The following is taken from an article by Charles Payne, the chief executive officer and principal analyst of Wall Street Strategies, an independent stock market research firm he founded in 1991. He is also a Fox Business News contributor.
"Those looking to save massive food stamp distribution, massive welfare rolls and socialistic taxes will throw up grandma losing benefits as a cover not unlike putting up policemen and teachers when it's time to cut waste in local governments."
I couldn't agree more. I've often wondered why politicians always bring up teachers, policemen, and firemen when confronted by the clamor of taxpayers demanding less spending, less taxation, and more bang for the buck. The politicians' refrain is always they will have to lay off teachers, policemen, and firemen to meet the demands. They never consider lay-offs of public administrators, staff assistants, social workers, counselors, lawyers, spokepersons, etc. most of whom we could all actually do without under any circumstance, and who are probably higher paid than teachers, policemen, and firemen.
BO must GO