Friday, January 30, 2009

Obama - Short Shots

Obama is trying to make himself into another Abraham Lincoln.  Someone should remind him that Lincoln was assassinated.
Obama is trying to decide what kind of dog to get.  My wife says for him to get a coon hound.

Obama says businesses shouldn't make a profit.  Someone should tell him the purpose of business is to make a profit.

Obama says government is the solution to the problem.  Someone should tell him government is the problem.

Obama says no one listens to Rush Limbaugh  Someone should tell him 22 million people listen to Rush.

Obama thinks Muslims are peace loving .  Someone should remind him Muslims are the only ones to kill thousands of Americans on American soil.

Obama thinks economic stimulus and pork are the same.  Someone should explain the difference to him.

Obama thinks that if you give money to the poor it will create jobs.  Someone should tell him a poor man has never offered anyone a job.

Obama wants to govern by executive order.  Someone should remind him there are three branches of government. 

Saturday, January 24, 2009


There is a mass hysteria in the liberal ranks to close Guantanamo.  Their reason is it has become a disgrace to America.  It has become a disgrace only because the bias of the American liberal press has made it a disgrace.  So, Obama is going to close Guantanamo.  Fine.  Now the question is what to do with the detainees.  I don't think any city or town in the United States wants them placed in their communities.  So what to do?

I have a simple solution.  Simply open the gates at Guantanamo and tell the detainees they are now free to go. Then close the gates behind them.  They can walk into Cuba and join Castro or walk down to the beach and swim home.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Change and Hope

Change you can believe in.  Hope you yearn for.  Exciting, enticing and seductive words.  Words we have heard spoken  often in recent days.  But, what do they really mean?  Just what is change?  Hope for what?  With your mind  a blank canvas you can paint whatever image you want these words to mean.  You can weave hope throughout the fabric of your imagined painting.  You can temper your expectations in whatever fashion you find most agreeable with your imagined rendering.  Thus, the exalted one that promised change and hope will succeed so long as you can alter the image on your canvas to be compatible and coincide with current affairs.  But, when the imagined image fades into nothingness the bloom will wilt and the exalted one of promised change and hope will falter falling to the ground like a wilted bloom.  Thus, the change you believed in and the hope you yearned for turns into a moonbeam that suddenly disappears at the break of daylight.  Then reality rears its ugly head like a sick female rattlesnake in heat and the pipe dream is struck down to die an agonizing death as truth prevails. 

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Al Franken Fiasco

Once again the Democrats are proving their ability to determine the outcome of elections.  It's amazing how they can find voted ballots for their candidate that were not counted in the original counting of the ballots.  It's also amazing how they can have more voted ballots than people that actually voted in certain precincts.  I was an election judge for twelve years.  Any election judge that says he drove around for a week with a ballot box of voted ballots in the trunk of his car is either stupid or a liar.

Josef Stalin said:  "It doesn't matter who votes.  What matters is who counts the votes."  Its never been truer than in Minnesota.