Friday, January 27, 2023

 Tyre Nichols.

Tyre would be alive today if he had of done one simple thing—obey the cops’ instructions.  All the usual pundits on TV are totally over looking that one important fact.  If Tyre had simply obeyed the cops’ instructions there would have been no problem and Tyre would be alive today.  Resisting the cops’ instructions escalates the situation.  The cops have a specific set of rules to follow. Tyre and those like him have no rules.  The cops never know when the other guy will pull a gun or knife.  They (the other guys) escalate the situation in the hope that in the melee they can wrestle a gun from one of the cops and shoot them.  At some point the cops have to decide, “Do we let the guy go, or do we do what’s necessary to make an arrest?”  I once was severely beat up by a guy I let get up. He came up with a club.  I learned a hard lesson—when you have a guy down don’t let him up.  All these TV talking heads have never been in a knock down drag out brawl.  They have no idea what they’re talking about. 

Thursday, January 12, 2023

 Ludicrous Hypocrisy

Biden has been on a crusade to eliminate the oil and gas industry.  He espouses the benefits of climate change renewable energy.  He seeks to convert our entire economy to electricity.  He wants vehicles of all kinds to be battery powered. Yet, he has a gas guzzling 1967 Corvette Stingray in his garage.   What’s good for thee is not for me.

Tuesday, January 03, 2023

 Pit Bulldogs and Geese

The goings on in the 118th Congress of 2023 is characteristic of our government today.  The Democrats march in lockstep and fight like junkyard pit bulldogs.  The Republicans march like a gaggle of geese and fight like nervous Chihuahua lapdogs.  If a party cannot unify its own caucus there's little chance they can unify the country