Sunday, February 28, 2016

Christie and Trump

Christie jumped the shark landing in Trump's lap heaping praise on him fishing for a Veep position on the ticket.  Two Northeasters.  One from New York City and one from across the river in New Jersey.   A deal maker and an opportunist.  They shout insults at their opponents and promise great things.  No mention of how they'll accomplish the great things.  Obama was elected by promising great things.  So what did we get?

Are we ready for two guys joined at the hip to run our country with New York values?   I think not.  

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Vote - Trump or Cruz

Running a business is not the same as running a country.  Many sound business principles can be effectively applied to running a country, but governance  is a political activity with many interdependent nuances.  Trump has been successful as a businessman, but has not had one iota of  experience in the political arena of governance in a democratic republic.  You have to have a set of principles by which to govern.  You have to be able to express these principle in a meaningful and understandable way.  You can't just go around shouting one-liner platitudes with no substance and constantly calling your opposition stupid liars.  It works a few times but like the little boy that cried wolf one time too many the people soon come to ignore you.

Trump's biggest trump card is his battle against "the establishment" thus he is different.  Many people are against "the establishment" thus Trump resonates with them.  Obama was against the status quo which equates to "the establishment", and promised to "fundamentally transform" the government.  Many people bought into that and look what we got.  Ted Cruz is anti-establishment, but he opposes it from within the bounds of the political arena.  He has proven himself by opposing "the establishment" on their own battle grounds.  Cruz has a moral compass and set of principles grounded in the Constitution.  He has defended the Constitution several times before the Supreme Court and won each time.  He has served as senator from Texas and taken on the insider powers that be.

Cruz is of known quality.  Trump is unknown.  We don't know what for sure we're getting with Trump except shouted platitudes and promises to make great deals.  I suggest Cruz is the better candidate and certainly would appoint Supreme Court Justices founded in the principles of the Constitution.

Vote Ted Cruz.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Barking Hillary

Hillary barked like a dog in one of her campaign speeches.  I'm old enough that I thought I had seen about every thing there is to be seen in political speech, but never have I seen one bark like a dog.  I wonder if she ever thought it may cause some people to question if she really is a bitch?

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Death from Natural Causes

Just what the hell is death from natural causes?

They, whoever they are, say Scalia died from natural causes thus no need for an autopsy.  They said he didn't have a heart attack.  How can they say that so quickly without some kind of autopsy?  So, they quickly ushered his body away from the border and back to the "safe" confines of Washington, D.C. where the narrative can be controlled.

Call me a cynical old skeptic fool, but 79 year old men don't just die from natural causes.  My 104 year old father died from natural causes, the natural cause being a stroke.  Something caused Scalia's body to shut down, and it wasn't something natural.  I'm no medic but I know you don't just naturally die for no apparent reason.  Something internal or external shuts the body down.

More to come?  Who knows?  Will we ever know?