Thursday, July 29, 2010

Healthcare Insurance

Earlier in July I received a letter from my private healthcare insurance company. I read it several times and it did not make much sense. I wondered, "Why did they send this?" So, I just set it aside and thought maybe another day it will make sense. Not so. Then late in July I received a notice from the insurance company saying, "We recently sent you a letter regarding Connecticut's Public Act 10-13 notifying you of covered members' rights to continue health coverage." Then just below that it said, "Please disregard the notice. This Public Act does not apply to plans that are not Connecticut contracts." Someone figured out I live in Texas, not Connecticut.
This is probably just an example of what is coming down the pike with the implementation of Obamacare. There is a lot of confusion with more to come.
Since this was a private sector company, the person that screwed up probably got fired. If it had of been a public sector (government) program the person that screwed up probably would be promoted with a substantial pay increase.
Don't you just love government meddling?

Eye Surgery

Earlier this week I entered the Bellville Hospital for eye surgery to remove the cataract on my left eye. Wow! More of an involved process than I had imagined. I thought "out-patient" meant it would be simple and wouldn't take long. Well, it took two hours, partly because I had "floppy iris" resulting from a prescription medicine (Flomax) I've taken for several years due to an enlarged prostate. Also, I had double vision, blurred vision, and hazy vision when I removed the eye covering that evening. They next day the eye doctor told me that is all very normal. Okay. Now I'm taking four different eye drop prescription medicines on three different schedules, plus the other medications I nornmally take on yet other schedules. I need a full-time scheduler to keep up with it all.
Anyhow, the double vision has cleared up. The haziness in regressing. The blur is clearing up. I go to see the doctor Monday, and if everything is A-okay I go in Tuesday to have the right eye done. Hopefully, by mid-August it will all be behind me and I won't have those pesky cataracts, and will see better.

Monday, July 19, 2010

The TEA Party and Racism

The Democrats and their willing cohorts are dead-set on branding the TEA Party as nothing more than an irrational bunch of bigoted racists. Democrats are more and more accusing the TEA Party and its associates of racism. Yet, they cannot produce any evidence of such. I'm of the opinion those that level charges of racism and cannot back it up are themselves guilty of racism. I was pleased Gorge Will on the ABC-TV Sunday morning talk show defended the TEA Party and reminded all there is an outstanding $100,000 reward for anyone that can show and prove any acts of racism by the TEA Party, and that so far no one has come forward to claim the reward.
I and some others think there will be a major racial event occur about the third week of October before the November elections and it will be attribited to the TEA Party by the Democrats and their willing mainstream press partners.

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Toenail Curling Depression

I am a child of the Great Depression.
I was born in the 1920's. Grew up in the 1930's. Went into the military in the 1940's.
I well remember the 1930's and the Great Depression. I've seen a thing or two in my lifetime. I see our government making the same mistakes today that were made in the 1930's. Things that prolonged the depression. It is insanity to think we can spend ourselves into prosperity. Einstein said insanity is doing the same thing over and expecting different results. Our message to Obama and the Democrats must be: STOP THE SPENDING! STOP THE SPENDING! STOP THE SPENDING! Hope and Change is NOT the solution!
I've thought the past ten years or so that what our country needs is a good old toenail curling depression to bring people back to basic reality. A lot of people would get hurt, but we would recover and in the process get back to our basic foundation of honesty and thrift.
The way things are going today we may soon get that toenail curling depression.