Sunday, February 27, 2022

 Old Movie - Different Characters

I’ve seen this movie before. Only the characters have changed.  British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain in September 1938 declared “Peace for our time” after he returned from a meeting with Hitler.  Then only to have Germany invade Poland a year later in 1939 to regain “lost territory” and ultimately rule their neighbors to the east.  This marked the beginning of World War II. Nazi Germany occupied most of France including the coastline to Spain. Germany occupied much of Europe in July 1940 when it began large-scale attacks on Britain with their Luftwaffe air force. 
In the meantime during the 1930’s Japan was busily occupying large segments of the South Pacific including the Dutch East Indies and the Philippines. They also occupied Korea, Manchuria, and much of Eastern China including Hong Kong, Viet Nam, Laos and Thailand.
Are you beginning to see the same plot unfolding right before our very eyes?  Only this time it is Russia in Europe and China in the South Pacific.  I’m fearful the ending of the movie may be tragic.  Russia is already rattling their nuclear sword.  If this comes to a nuclear holocaust only the cockroaches and termites will survive.  Are we prepared?  Do we have the leadership to successfully navigate these troubled waters?

Saturday, February 12, 2022

 Foreign Policy - Peace through Strength

There is a simple and effective way to conduct foreign policy with your adversaries. You adhere to the old Roman proverb, “If you want peace prepare for war.”  Build your military might to the level you tell your adversaries to behave or you’ll kick the sh*t out of them and he (the leader) will be the first to go. Then, peace will prevail.

Monday, February 07, 2022

China Today

This is a letter I wrote April 21, 2021 to my Congressman, Mike  McCaul.  It is now almost a year later and see where we are today on the precipice of war with China and Russia.



            You know. I’ve been a long time friend and supporter.  So, listen up and take note.  

            China is not our friend.  China is at war with the United States.  We are not at war with China. I’ve railed about China ever since Nixon went to China in 1973 with hat-in-hand.  Nixon was known as “Tricky Dick”.  I wrote him a letter before his departure warning him to live up to his nickname when dealing with China.  I’m sure the letter went directly into the trash bin.  Every administration since Nixon has dealt with China as a friend, and at worst as a friendly adversary.  Over the years they’ve gone far out of the way to bring favorable global rights to China.  First, China does not see human life as a sanctified precious gift from God.  They see human life as an expendable commodity to be used as a means to achieve whatever objectives.  Thus, China has willfully and covertly exploited this difference over the many years with mass cooperation from the several administrations, both political parties, academia, financial, and our industrial complex.  China has greased the palms of individuals with political stroke with large sums of money, i.e. Hunter Biden, and others. Thus, they become highly compromised. China has bored in like weevils in a piece of finely finished wood that appears good, bright and shiny on the outside but is laced with weevil tunnels throughout.  They have placed spies in every aspect of our society from schools to the halls of Congress to the Pentagon.  Female spies weasel their way into the arms of gullible  politicians and become romantic bed partners, as we wink and nod.  China almost openly steals our patents, industrial technology, methods, and techniques. They openly steal creative rights.  They pull in Nike, NBL, Walmart, et al with lucrative financial profits to the detriment of our free markets.  There’s nothing free about China’s market.  It is all totally controlled.  China is everywhere.  Almost every item we purchase is made in China, even many pharmaceuticals, and parts for the manufacturer of our military weaponry, including latest military jet airplanes.  The list is endless. 

            Then, there is COVID-19.  Anyone with an ounce of gray matter knows China willfully and purposefully released it onto the rest of the world.  It’s just a test run to see how effective it is.  More is coming. China has openly made it clear their objective is to bring the United States to heel.  They not only want to surpass us but totally oppress us.  The instigation of these mass undocumented illegal migrations are backed by China as just one more of the many other ways to weaken us.  We are now infected with a China induced pandemic, mass immigration of all kinds of people of unknown qualities or intents, dependency for most of our manufactured goods, many of our medicines, etc. while we fret about global warming, environmental issues, human rights, transgender rights, social programs, social justice, Jim Crow, voter rights, BLM, and the meaning of our navels as we twiddle our thumbs.  

            I fear we are already so compromised by China that we will never be able to regain our previous global stature.  China and Russia have become overtly militarily aggressive.  I’m fearful we cannot win an all out shooting war with China and Russia.  We are fast losing the economic and political war with China.

            You headed up some kind of investigation of China resulting in something called the Ratliff Report:  “The greatest generational challenge we face today is the threat of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).  As a result of the COVID pandemic that has so far killed one million people worldwide, and decimated the world economy, America has woken up to what many of us have been talking about for some time - that the CCP is our strategic adversary and has been going to great lengths to spread its deception and our malign influence around the world.”

            Whatever happened?

            Also, we refer to the CCP and the China government as two separate and different entities.  Not so.  They are one and the same. Period.



 ~ Don Davidson


P.S. If you’re interested my long time position on China go to my blog:

Wednesday, February 02, 2022

Putin and Xi Collude.

Russia masses troops on the Ukraine border.  China makes overt military flyovers of Taiwan.  Putin and Xi have been colluding.  The winter Olympics are beginning in China.  President Biden dawdles and eats his ice cream.  The potentials after the Olympics are coming together for a coordinated simultaneous attack by Russia to invade the Ukraine as China invades Taiwan.  All the while Biden dawdles because he is comprised by both Russia and China.  He owes his family wealth to both.  Many so called tycoons of our business world pander to China in the name of $ riches.  Then, there is a serious question of is our military capable or has the will to conduct any kind of containment much less all out warfare?  There’s an old Roman saying that, “If you want peace prepare for war.”  Are we prepared for war?  I hardly think so.  This is one more nail in our coffin as China seeks to become the dominate world power.  And, when they do you will not like it.