Thursday, April 30, 2015

Koch Brothers . . . George Soros?

I find it amazing that liberals and socialists like Bernie Sanders (I) VT invoke the name of the Koch brothers as evil capitalists that donate $billions to conservative causes with the intent of destroying America, but fail to mention George Soros, the well-known progressive liberal contributor of $billions to a web of organizations that support a plethora of socialists political causes. 

But, then who ever said liberals are fair-minded?  It's not only what they say, but just as importantly, what they don't say.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Anger. . . or Thuggery?

I keep hearing those on the scene in Baltimore refer to the "anger" of the rioters.  I say horse-pucky.  It's not anger.  It's nothing more than pure unadulterated thuggery.  I dare say not one in a thousand of the rioters even knew who Eddie Gray was before this, nor do they give a whit what happened to him.  They are opportunist thugs taking advantage of weak and ineffective leadership to create commotion as a cover to steal.

The only way to defeat force is to meet it head-on with greater force.  Even stone age people understood this.  No, we today have "mental giants" in positions of leadership seeking "balance" between opposing forces.  Again, I say horse-pucky.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Resume Posting

It's been a good while since I last posted to my blog.  The year 2014 was not a good year for me and my wife.  She had a heart attack January 2014 and recovered somewhat.  In April 2014 she had two heart attacks two weeks apart.  By July she was feeling better.  I had a heart attack in November 2014.  I was just recovering when my wife had a fatal heart attack January 16, 2015.  Consequently, I had other more significant priorities and did not post to my blog.  It's been a little over three months since I lost my wife and I'm just now beginning to get back to a somewhat normal being, though it will always be tough without my dear wife at my side.

In the meantime, the Google Blogspot folks modified things somewhat and I've had difficulty getting the blog re-established.  I think I've now successfully navigated their requirements and will endeavor to resume regular postings.  Your readership is greatly appreciated.  Thank you all for your kind understanding. ~ Don