Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year-2011

Happy New Year to all my readers. I wish you a prosperous 2011 and the best of the New Year. Not only is tomorrow the first day of the next year, but it is also the first day of the rest of your life. Make the best of it. Whatever you do be the very best you can. I love you all.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Harsh Times - The Picnic is Over

The picnic is over. These are harsh times that call for harsh measures.

We should widely publicize in English and Spanish that if you are in this country illegally starting on a specific date you have exactly 30 days to get out and take your kids with you. You brought them here. You can take them back. You will no longer get free medical attention at hospital emergency rooms except in life and death circumstances and when able you will be deported. You will no longer receive any form of welfare. Your children will no longer be admitted to our schools. Anyone that employs you will be dealt with harshly. We are broke. You helped drain our resources into huge deficits. We can no longer afford the cost of your presence. If you want to come here then come legally and become a productive law abiding tax paying citizen. We will welcome you.

Do we have the intestinal fortitude to do what has to be done? Eisenhower did. Reagan did. Do we?

Job Application Requrements

During my adult working career I worked for two major oil companies and two aerospace companies. And, I also made application for employment at no less than a dozen other companies at various times. In each instance I was required to produce a certified birth certificate, a transcript of the college courses I took and the grades I made, a work history, and at least three recommendations from people of note such as college professors, former employers, persons of high standing in the community, etc.
Now, if I and others in the working class of such lowly position in life have to meet such lofty requirements to even be interviewed for employment much less employed by a privately owned company, then why don't our politicians seeking election to public office have to meet the same requirements? After all, they are seeking employment and we, the people, are the employer. It's time they are made not just as accountable, but must meet an even higher level of disclosure and accountability. We've had enough of obfuscation and elusive double talk. They make decisions that impact our very being every day thus we should be able to dig deep and find every nugget of origin, education, intellect, character, and history else they are disqualified to run for office.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Lame Duck or Flying Wild Goose

"Lame duck" my foot. A "flying wild goose" better describes the just concluded session of Congress. If the old "80/20 Rule" ever applied to a situation it most aptly applies to this Congressional session. In this case it was 80% of the work was done in 20% of the time. All of which proves that if Congress really wants to do something they can do it. They don't have to be in session all year long. They could be in session 60 days and accomplish it all. Look what just happened.
Therefore, I propose a law that hence forth Congress must begin each session the second Monday in January, and they must adjourn no later than 180 calendar days afterwards. That gives them plenty of time (as just proved by Congress) to conclude the nation's business and then adjourn for the remainder of the year. That way Congress can leave Washington behind to go home and mingle with the folks and campaign for the next election in November. No more "lame ducks" or "flying wild geese."
Chances of that happening? Zero to none. There's too much mischievous fun going on in Washington year round. Its great fun to spend other people's money with impunity.
Oh, and if there's a national emergency. The president just issues an executive order. Congress can take it up next time they are in town.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Economics & Inflation, the most insidious tax of all

I have long said that inflation is the most cruel and insidious tax of all, and contrived inflation has been a policy of our government in cooperation with the Federal Reserve System ever since the onset of the Roosevelt administration during the Great Depression. We are now drowning in that policy of “deficient spend ‘n print money.” The light at the end of the tunnel is an oncoming train. I copied this from the “Comments” chat room at the end of the article written by a person identified only as “Robd”. He or she is right on. As a nation we have been had by our leaders. Read the following very carefully.

FROM: Wall Street Journal - MarketWatch - Dec. 23, 2010 - Weekend Investor

Science is pure math with substances which prove out 100% in logic. Arts are enjoyable and provide beauty and prove out 100% with regard to what it is and where it came from, same as science. Economics is a whole different story, it's about 50% logical sublative and 50% BS. The problem with economics is the gains and losses are not accounted for equally. They establish the concept of demand and supply and we account for change in value of assets without proper timing to true gains and losses. Constantly under stating the rate of inflation has proven to be the hallmark of our nation's ability to manufacture wealth. Here is a prime example of Wall Street and our Government avoidance of true economic accountability. Take a new car manufactured by Toyota in 1977, a Corolla which retailed for $2700. In the year 2000 that same model car sold for $16,800. That is a 522% increase in price in 23 years. That means the average annual inflation compounded daily was 11.87%. Check the government average rate of inflation in those years and you will get on average 4.72% So with that revelation you see that our nation has overvalued the GDP growth rate by nearly 3 times every year for 23 years. This economic system of valuation is so contrived and manipulated, they have robbed most of America and appear to have lots of the wrong people in jail. It's insane that this process has gone on for so long. How do you think they created stock equity markets that produce incredible values of wealth from thin air? When you can mask such fraud and have the government's blessing, there is no stopping this train until the return of the one who will judge them all.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Five Things

I wish I could take credit for something this profound, but I can't. It came to me via the Internet from one of my Oklahoma cousins.

Five things you cannot recover in life:

1. A stone after it is thrown
2. A word after it is spoken
3. An occasion after it is missed
4. A moment in time after it is gone
5. A person after they die

Be careful as you tread the pathways of life.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Its Christmas, Y'All

MERRY CHRISTMAS. Its Christmas. A time to celebrate the birth of Christ. Not the birth of Buddha. Not the birth of Mohammad. Not the birth of Martin Luther King. Its not Kwanza. Its not Hanukkah. Its not Ramadan. Its CHRISTMAS!

We don't say "Happy Holiday" for Hanukkah. We don't say "Happy Holiday" for Kwanza. We don't say "Happy Holiday" for Ramadan. We don't say "Happy Holiday" for Martin Luther King Day. So why do we have to say "Happy Holiday" instead of "Merry Christmas" for Christmas?

The Pope recently said Christians are the most discriminated against people in the world. Christ can be vilified in all manner of ways and nary a word of protest from the world at large. But, dare say a single word that mocks or criticizes Mohammed and the fury of the Islamic world, the ACLU and like ilk will come down on you like a ton of bricks threatening your very life. Why the disparity? Its time we Christians step forward, defend and glorify our Christian beliefs.

So, MERRY CHRISTMAS, to one and all!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Unemployment Compensation

Unemployment compensation? We're now giving money to people for three years to do nothing. But, are they really doing nothing? I wonder how many are actually working part-time or at temporary jobs "off the clock"? They draw their unemployment pay and then work or do things that generate revenue on a "cash pay only" basis while not actually accepting employment as regular full-time employees. This way they receive money from the government and cash money from an employer. This way they don't have to provide a Social Security number and consequently don't have to pay income tax, FICA tax, or deductions for benefits. The employer doesn't have to pay FICA taxes or benefits. The money paid to "off the clock" workers is charged to some other expense account such as "Truck Expense", etc.
Its a good deal for both. In total the worker is getting as much or more "in-pocket"money as when he was fully employed. He has more free time, and he doesn't have to pay taxes. He may also get food stamps. If he or his family become ill they go to the Emergency Room at the local hospital, and it is paid out of the county Indigent Care Fund. The employer doesn't have to pay as much per hour, has less paperwork, and doesn't have to deduct or pay taxes. Such a deal!
So where is the incentive to get a full time regular job?

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Political Speak (bla,bla, & yada, yada)

Democrat politicians constantly say, "What the American people want is bla, bla, bla." Republican politicians constantly say, "What the American people want is yada, yada, yada." They say just the direct opposite of each other. The truth of the matter is neither knows what the American people want. Its just a cliche for them to speak with such positive authority that they know what we want. Truth of the matter is for the most part they don't have a clue. They're not about what is best for America and the American people. Its all about control. Politicians for the most part are animals with insatiable appetites for control. They get their greatest satisfactions in life by controlling the actions and lives of others. It is indeed rare that a politician of any stripe emerges that truly has the best interests of America and its people at heart. A few have. They are to be honored.

Saturday, December 04, 2010

Indigent Care for Illegals

This evening I went to Schlotsky's to get two takeout "Originals" for supper this evening. Who should I meet but my good friend Sheriff J.W. Jankowski. We briefly chatted about what was going on in the county as we waited for our orders. Now this is interesting. J.W. told me they just recently released an illegal Mexican immigrant from the hospital and turned him over to ICE. The illegal Mexican got into a fight in a local bar and was beat up pretty badly. He was transported to the hospital. The bill was $22,000. I asked who paid the bill. J.W. said it was paid out of the county's indigent care fund. I asked who provides the money for the indigent care fund. J.W. said some from the state, but mostly by the county. That means some of my taxes go to provide medical care for illegal Mexican immigrants that get into bar room brawls and get beat up. Ludicrous! I asked what ICE did with the guy. J.W. said he didn't know. He said sometimes they deport them, but most of the time they just turn them loose. Now isn't that nice!

"Fed Up" by Gov. Rick Perry

I'm reading the book "Fed Up" by Texas Governor Rick Perry. It's a great read and I highly recommend it, not that it says that much Conservatives don't already know and believe, but that Perry reinforces our Conservative values with some interesting sidelights.
Though I've just gotten into the early parts of the book here is a Perry quote I think is not only true but very funny: "Republicans often aren't on the right page--indeed, some aren't even in the right chapter. But most are in the right book. Most Democrats today, on the other hand, can't even find the library."

PFC Bradley Manning

Private First Class (PFC) Bradley Manning runs around with a flash stik in his pocket and steals thousands of U.S. highly classified documents.

A PFC steals highly classified documents??? I don't believe that for a New York minute. I achieved the "lofty" rank of Sergeant and later Lieutenant in the army. I never had access to anything classified higher than "Restricted" which is the lowest level of security classification in the armed forces. Years later as a civilian I worked for an Air Force contractor on a top secret project. My background was scrubbed to China and back before they finally granted clearance for me to work briefly on the project.
I'm of the opinion PFC Manning is merely a "mule". If he truly had access to these documents his background would have been scrubbed clean. Someone somewhere higher up in the upper echelons of command or government had to have been involved to funnel the documents to PFC Manning, or to make it possible for PFC Manning to do it himself.
There's more to this than meets the eye. Will we ever know the truth? Probably not.

Friday, December 03, 2010

Electric Cars

Now isn't this just wonderful! We now have GM electric cars. You can rush down to the dealership and plop down $41,000 for one. Your friendly government will give you $7,500. (Guess who forks over the $7,500?) It costs $40,000 to make one. Let's see, it costs $40,000 to manufacture, you pay $41,000, and the government gives you $7,500 rebate. Does this make any economic sense to anyone?
Furthermore, it will cost about $2,000 to retrofit your garage so you can recharge the batteries each night. The next day you can drive it only 40 miles without a recharge. That means you better not go further than 20 miles from home, because you DO have to return home to plug it in for a recharge, unless you know where a recharge station is located. Then you have to plug it in for 8 hours to get a full recharge to go the next 40 miles.
If this all sounds crazy, it is. Our government has gone amuck with total ignorance. We have government morons that think electricity comes from the switch or receptacle on the wall. About 85% of the electricity generated in the United States today is from burning coal. Yes, that nasty black stuff that pollutes the air when you burn it. It's an environmentalist's nightmare. A new nuclear generating plant hasn't been built and brought on line to generate electricity in over 30 years. Wind farms generate less than 3% of the electricity demand. Besides, they are ugly and kill birds. Just ask the Kennedys up at Martha's Vineyard.
What happens at six o'clock in the evening when everyone gets home from work and plug in their electric cars to regenerate the batteries? Think BROWNOUT. That ought to be fun. This would be laughable if it wasn't so serious. A horse and buggy can take you about 40 miles, rest the horse overnight, fed it some oats, and ready to go another 40 miles the next day. Where's the progress? Oh, yes, I forgot. We won't have to shovel horse manure, just more government bull s....t.
Hydrogen would be a much better approach to fuel the future. I made hydrogen in my high school chemistry class using a process called electrolysis. Only problem is it used more power to generate the hydrogen than the power realized from the hydrogen. There is an abundance of hydrogen in the world. More effort should be directed to finding a way to economically extract it from sea water. When hydrogen burns the by product is water.
Government doesn't have the answer to everything. They just think they do. They are so full of themselves and out of touch with reality they do dumb things that cost the taxpayers. We have more and more people in government making more and more decisions about more and more things they know less and less about.