Monday, December 27, 2010

Lame Duck or Flying Wild Goose

"Lame duck" my foot. A "flying wild goose" better describes the just concluded session of Congress. If the old "80/20 Rule" ever applied to a situation it most aptly applies to this Congressional session. In this case it was 80% of the work was done in 20% of the time. All of which proves that if Congress really wants to do something they can do it. They don't have to be in session all year long. They could be in session 60 days and accomplish it all. Look what just happened.
Therefore, I propose a law that hence forth Congress must begin each session the second Monday in January, and they must adjourn no later than 180 calendar days afterwards. That gives them plenty of time (as just proved by Congress) to conclude the nation's business and then adjourn for the remainder of the year. That way Congress can leave Washington behind to go home and mingle with the folks and campaign for the next election in November. No more "lame ducks" or "flying wild geese."
Chances of that happening? Zero to none. There's too much mischievous fun going on in Washington year round. Its great fun to spend other people's money with impunity.
Oh, and if there's a national emergency. The president just issues an executive order. Congress can take it up next time they are in town.


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