Sunday, November 28, 2010

Cheap China Crap (CCC)

You can't believe how angry I am!
I just broke the handle on a brand new inch and a half PVC in-line water valve I recently had installed for our water well system. Now I have to replace the valve which is no easy task. I'm 82 years old. How is it that I, an old man, have the strength in my hands to break the handle of an inch and a half valve? Because it was a cheap inferior quality product from China.
When are we as a nation going to wake up and realize that first and foremost China does not have our best interests in mind? Second, because of our national policies the past forty years we've transferred most of our manufacturing base to China. Third, China, in its own self interests, does not make products of superior quality for export. They sell us crap and we buy it because it is cheap. They laugh all the way to the bank so they can then loan us money to sustain the profligate spending habits of our government. When deeply indebted to someone you have to cow-tow to their whims.
Who puts those politicians into positions of power to further our government's spending excesses? We do! Wake up, Folks! It's time to take action. Do not buy products made in China if at all possible. Do not vote for tax and spend politicians. If they are in office, vote them out.
America was founded and thrived for years on individual liberty, responsibility, and thrift. It's time we get back to those qualities and do it soon else all is lost. I don't want to die seeing my beloved America sucking tit from China. Make "CCC" a call to action (CTA)!


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