Thursday, November 25, 2010

Socialism, the equal sharing of misery

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy. its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery." ~ Anonymous

One of my favorite quotations. I wish I knew who penned this for whomever it was he certainly was a wise and insightful person. I truly have great difficulty understanding what it is that makes a person a socialist. The Pilgrims of Plymouth Rock first tried socialism and almost expired as a result. It was only when in desperation Bradford established property rights and the people were allowed to reap the bounty from their individual lands and their individual efforts that the colony became prosperous and bountiful, and were able to celebrate the first Thanksgiving.

So, why is it that many people who make their fortunes in the free enterprise capitalistic economic system become socialists? I have no answer. It's just a nagging perplexing question? Most people my age and older grew up in the Great Depression of the 1930's knee-deep in poverty (just look at many of the photos made during that era) and served in the military during WW II. Most had no more than a high school education and many no more than an eighth grade education. Yet almost all of us, at least the ones I know and have known, were strong advocates of individual responsibility, hard work, thrift, and your success in life depended on you and you alone.

Yet, we as a nation have been gradually drifting ever more since WW II into socialism with more and more government programs that create and perpetrate more and more entitlements. They can't be avoided. We elect political leaders that promise more and more, thus they tax more and more. The more they tax the more they spend, and the more they force us all into entitlement programs that eventually become overly burdensome for those citizens that bear the tax load. Much like the Pilgrims those that work hard to support those that don't work will gradually become more and more inclined to do less and less to contribute to society until we have achieved ". . . the equal sharing of misery."


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