Saturday, December 04, 2010

Indigent Care for Illegals

This evening I went to Schlotsky's to get two takeout "Originals" for supper this evening. Who should I meet but my good friend Sheriff J.W. Jankowski. We briefly chatted about what was going on in the county as we waited for our orders. Now this is interesting. J.W. told me they just recently released an illegal Mexican immigrant from the hospital and turned him over to ICE. The illegal Mexican got into a fight in a local bar and was beat up pretty badly. He was transported to the hospital. The bill was $22,000. I asked who paid the bill. J.W. said it was paid out of the county's indigent care fund. I asked who provides the money for the indigent care fund. J.W. said some from the state, but mostly by the county. That means some of my taxes go to provide medical care for illegal Mexican immigrants that get into bar room brawls and get beat up. Ludicrous! I asked what ICE did with the guy. J.W. said he didn't know. He said sometimes they deport them, but most of the time they just turn them loose. Now isn't that nice!


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