Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Conciliation and Bipartisanship

I just finished watching the Obama press conference on TV.  He can talk a question to death.  He droned on for over an hour and what he said can be summed up in a few words, i. e "I'm in a conciliatory mood as long as you agree with me."

It's amazing.  I scarcely  heard the words "conciliation"  and "bipartisan" during the previous six years of Obama and Harry Reid.  Now in the past 24 hours that's all I've heard.  I say listen not what Obama says, but be ever watchful and cautious of what he does.  The American electorate did not go to the polls and vote for "conciliation" and "bipartisanship."  They voted to STOP the Obama agenda in its tracks.  Our Republican friends had better heed that or they too will bite the dust.

Obama post-election

It's very late election night eve.  The American electorate has soundly repudiated the Democrats and the Obama agenda.  The Republicans will control the House and the Senate the remainder of Obama's reign.

I am overly concerned what Obama may do in the face of this tidal wave of repudiation.  He does not take well to critisim or rejection at all.  He is probably seething with irate anger and spiteful revenge as he sulks in the White House.  I've had a bad premonition about him for some time now.  I'm somewhat fearful what he may seek to do with his cellphone and pen, or worse.  I can't see him in any kind of mood to work with the Republicans to accomplish anything.

I hope I'm wrong.

Monday, November 03, 2014

Fourscore and Six Years of Wisdom

Fourscore and six years ago I came forth upon this land.  I have since tread many rabbit trails in the thorny briar patch of life.  I have seen depressions and multiple wars.  I have seen good times and I have seen bad times.  I have seen incredible inventions that were unbelievable a few years ago.  I have seen many successes and many failures.  I have seen technology grow exponentially while society only grows linearly.  I have seen a president that strongly believed in the goodness of our nation, and I have seen a president dedicated to transforming our nation.  I have seen mankind from the stone age to the nuclear age find more effective ways to kill more people.  I have seen peace portrayed as beheading people.

Having seen all this I have in my wisdom concluded the world wide problem is more and more people are making more and more decisions about more and more things they know less and less about.

God help us.