Sunday, August 14, 2022

 Biden’s Immigration Plan

    It’s often reported by various news media sources that Biden has no immigration plan.  I beg to differ.  His plan is working to perfection.  It is to have an open border for the Democrats to win the 2024 election.

    The Democrat Party has long exploited a lower class as the base for their power.  For years the Democrats have exploited the Black and Hispanic populations for their power.  Recently more and more Blacks and Hispanics moved from the lower class to the middle class, thus they tend to vote conservative.  Democrats see this as a significant  loss of votes and decrease of their power base.  So, to restore their base they keep the border open.  Most of these people will either be job seekers as potential voters or people up to no good who don’t vote anyhow.

    Democrats selectively provide these immigrants with an ID and relocate them to certain areas critical to their base enhancement.  Since they know where these new immigrants are located they will make a considerable effort to get them drivers’ licenses thus a valid citizen ID.  The next step is to get them registered to vote before the 2024 election.  The Democrats will then use whatever methods needed to be sure the newcomers know to vote Democrat, thus win with a landslide vote.  Goal achieved.  Plan worked to perfection.  

    Democrats know HOW to win elections by whatever  means necessary.  The Republicans? They mostly know how to snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory

Tuesday, August 09, 2022

 Should the FBI be defunded?

No.  It's time to arrest the top DOJ and FBI officials and try them for treason.   Of course it will not ever happen.  We're on a fast track to 3rd country communism at the behest of the Democrat Party and its deep state cohorts in step with the national media.  Democrats will never allow Trump to ever serve in any public office.  They will pull out every trick in their play book, and some new creative ones, to keep Trump at bay where he belongs.  In the final analysis it may take armed insurrection to root out the communist pigs lurking under the cloak of  government.  I'm a WW II Veteran.  I saw one of my fellow comrades interviewed on TV and tearfully said, "This is not the country we fought for".  I shed tears with him.