Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Fence on the Southern Border

I'm amazed at the naivety of politicians, political pundits, and TV commentators that think it is viable to build a fence along the entire border with Mexico.  Michele Bachmann said if president she would build a fence along every inch of the border.  Bill O'Reilly, FoxNews commentator, agrees with her.
To achieve such a feat the fence would have to run from Boca Chica where the Rio Grande flows into the Gulf of Mexico to the Border State Park at the edge of the Pacific Ocean southwest of San Diego.  Miles and miles of this fence would have to be built through some of the most hostile environment you can imagine.  It would have to traverse miles of desolate desert, high mountains, deep canyons with sheer cliffs, etc. all with an abundance of rattlesnakes, tarantulas, scorpions, etc.   It would require line of sight watch towers every mile or so manned 24/7.  It would require rapid response teams 24/7 at each tower with high speed vehicles to interdict violators.  It would also require high powered search lights for night time surveillance.  And, this all would require the necessary infrastructure (roadways, power lines, maintenance facilities, etc.) to make it functional.
Then, the Border Patrol agents would probably interdict only about half of them.  They will climb it, cut it, tunnel under it and come up with devious ways we can't even imagine to cross over.  And, if you think the environmentalists raised a squawk about the Keystone Pipeline from Canada to the Texas Gulf Coast you ain't heerd nuttin' yet when Michelle babe tries to build her fence.  These people are so obsessed  with their political fairyland ideas that they are not grounded in the reality of the truth.

BO must GO

Friday, November 18, 2011

Political Flakes

I just saw Meghan McCain on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno.  What a political flake!  What is it about us that we give such political acumen and credence to people simply because they are famous or a kid of someone famous?  We collectively think when a person is famous they are all knowing in all manner of things, including politics.  This is ludicrous.  Somehow, some way we have to dispense with the political flakes and bring true leaders and statesmen into the political arena to serve America and the American way, else we will continue to sink into socialistic oblivion.

BO must GO

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I am so very sad.  I learned yesterday a very sweet dear lady that is a regular reader of my blog suffered a severe heart attack.  It caused a blood clot that went to her brain and caused a severe stroke.  She is severely incapacitated and under hospice care.  She was a loyal reader and often commented on my posts.  She is in my prayers.

A Day to Remember

Today, November 15, 2011, is a day to remember.  It is a significant day in the history of our United States of America.  A day that impacts us all.  A day for remembrance because it will be with us for generations to come.  If by chance you failed to notice, please be informed that this very day our national debt surpassed the $15 trillion mark and is counting.
Have a nice day.

Much Needed Rain

What a glorious day.  Finally, after an extended drought we got a much needed rain. It came in three waves.  I heard distant thunder when I first got up this morning.  It rained 0.5 inch about ten o'clock then stopped and I thought that was all.  But, about  two o'clock this afternoon it poured rain.  Then about four o'clock it rained briefly.  We got a total of 2.1 inches.  The ground was so dry it soaked up the rain like a sponge.  After the rain I walked on bare ground and scarcely made a footprint.  Hopefully, we will continue to get more.  It's much needed.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Stand up to the anti-American leftists, communists, atheists and other malcontents

This is just too good, and too appropriate, not to pass on.  It is taken from a comment post on today's WorldNetDaily blog.  My exact sentiments:

Jerome Ennis ·  Top Commenter · North Georgia College & State University

The time has long past when we, as United States Citizens, should stand up to these anti-American leftists, communists, atheists and other malcontents, whether homegrown or imported. It is time for Americans to Wake Up, Speak Up, and Stand up to the tyranny of the leftist minority.
 Do not wait for permission from courts or judges, just exercise your rights and freedoms and if the minority wants to protest, tell them to get out of your business and protest elsewhere. It is time to stop the bullying by the left who are using our kindness and goodness as a nation founded in Christinaity against us. It is time to let them know that there is such a thing as Righteous Anger, and that we, as a nation of Majority Christians, are right here and right now Righteously Angry and will no longer tolerate a perverted and subverted minority to interfere in every aspect of our lives as Americans.
 Our nation's traditions, values, beliefs, culture, borders, and language have been under attack for far too long, and it is time now for us to Defend our Values, Beliefs, Culture, Traditions, Homes, Language and Borders. And, if the radical left minority does not like it, they can either learn to accept it or get the hell out.
 And what is so sad about all this attack on the American Way of Life is being waged by tens of millions who are in this country illegally and by other imported malcontents. For the Illegals, it is time to shut up, pack up and get the hell out of our country. For the supporters of the perverts, criminals and subversives, it is time for you to shut up and if you do not like being a traditional American, you can pack your crap and leave the country and find one that supports and believes in your own perverted beliefs and values. I think that what you will find is that No Country will tolerate your particular beliefs and behaviors. 
And, it is only because we are a tolerant people in the USA, thanks to the fact that we are a Majority Christian Nation, that there is as much tolerance as there is. But, be on notice you radical creeps of all stripes, our tolerance has been worn out, and we will no longer tolerate a radical minority to intimidate the majority. We will speak our peace and we will say our Christian Prayers in spite of what local, state or federal judges say and in spite of law suits by communist organizations such as the ACLU. Be on notice, We are taking our country back.
 And, in 2012, we are purging the White House and United States Congress and also be on notice, we are also taking our Cities, Counties, and States back from the leftists who have migrated to our communities. We now have a Migrant Political Class that moves around to different parts of the country for the sole purpose of taking over local and state governments. It is time to run the Migrant Politicians out of our towns and communities.  Hillary Clinton is a Migrant Politician who started out in Illinois and then to Arkansas, and now a Citizen of New York where she got elected to the U.S. Senate and is now Secretary of State. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are the Poster Children of what is wrong with this country. They are both Malcontent Communists who pose as Christians and U.S. citizens, while at the same time, supporting Anti-American values and beliefs and Anti-Chrisitan sentiments. We have to get these sorts of people out of positions of power while we still have the numbers to accomplish the task. 

Friday, November 11, 2011


Now the State Department is in on the act to delay or stop the Keystone pipeline from Canada to the Texas Gulf Coast.  The following was taken from today's edition of the Washington Post:

Citing environmental fears, the State Department on Thursday ordered a new review of a Canada-to-Texas oil pipeline, effectively delaying a final decision until after the 2012 elections and prompting a wave of criticism from businesses, unions and congressional Republicans, who called the move a "job killer."

Its obvious this is nothing but political pandering.  Environmental fears?  Nothing but cow-towing to the environmental nutcakes, and BO playing politics.  We have pipelines running all over Texas and Oklahoma, and have for years.  There's already a pipeline from Canada to Illinois, BO's home state.

If this pipeline is delayed or stopped the Canadians will take the initiative and build a pipeline to Vancouver and sell the oil to China.  You can rest assured China is watching these developments closely and will do whatever they can to stop the  movement of Canadian oil into the United States.

BO must GO!! 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Keystone Pipeline

Today BO put the chill on the Keystone Pipeline project to bring oil from Canada and North Dakota to Cushing, Oklahoma, and the Texas Gulf Coast refineries to make us more independent of oil from foreign sources that don't like us, just our $$. This project would provide about 10,000 jobs over the next several years in an economy that is reeling from record high unemployment.  So, the big BO in his infinite wisdom defers the construction of the pipeline to an indefinite time to seek better solutions (like Solyndra, I suppose).  He bowed (Once again.  That's what he does best.) to the whims of the environmentalists this time.  This is insanity.  Since when has one person even if he is president ever had the authority to shut down a major construction project to bring much need oil to this country?  Where in the Constitution does BO think he gets this authority?  I have a small booklet copy of the Constitution I keep handy.  I've read it cover to cover a number of times and read various parts numerous times.  I can tell you there is nothing in the Constitution that gives BO the power to unilaterally shut down any kind of construction project.  That's what dictators do.    

Saturday, November 05, 2011

Greece - Why It's Important

I've wondered why it is Greece is so important. I mean, they rank 32nd in the scheme of things about Gross Domestic Product (GDP).  Why then are the top six countries in terms of GDP so concerned?  The Greece GDP is only $305,415 millions, whereas the combined GDP of the top six is over $32,500,000 millions.  What's the big deal?  Then, it hit me.  We (the top six) are all broke, except for China.  Yes, flat broke.  We owe more than our combined GDPs.  And, China is weary of propping up our economies.  It's like being in debt twice your net worth and your kids keep running up the credit cards.  So, even a small amount becomes significant.  Message to President Obama:  We cannot spend our way to prosperity.  Our only hope is to stop the spending and cut back drastically on run away green and entitlement programs.

Friday, November 04, 2011

Drugs, Guns, the Southern Border, and $$$$$$$

I'm watching a TV documentary about guns flowing from the United States to Mexico.  And, then there is the flow of drugs from Mexico to the United States.  Many members of the "ruling class" talk about securing the Southern Border to stop the flow in both directions.  But, Folks, I tell you it will never stop!  Way too much money is made in over the border commerce of drugs and guns by way too many people in high up positions of power on both sides.  "Fast and Furious" is just the most recent example of guns "walking" over the border.

Ineptocracy - A new word to describe Obama and his minions

This came to me from a friend via email.  It's a new word to add to our lexicon.  It is descriptive and so very true:

"Finally, a word to describe Obama and his minions!

Ineptocracy (in-ep-toc'-ra-cy):  a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers."

And, I might add it's also descriptive of the Democrats and their "Occupy" morons.

Thursday, November 03, 2011

BO MUST GO - or Obama's Record

Just in case you may have forgotten.  I took this from a very appropriate comment on the  Conservativebyte blog by:

Eli Jones says:
“The Obama-Soros’ Occupy Wallstreet Mob” / “Uganda ” / “Obama giving Solyndra $535 Million of Our Money”/ “Obama’s Fast and Furious Criminal Operation”/ “Obama Buying His Union Votes with Our Tax Money” / “Obama Empowering The Muslim Brotherhood” / ” Obama’s Hate Speech Provocations” / “Obama putting Muslim’s Rights over All Other American’s Rights” / “Obama Ignoring North Korean Aggression” / “Obama’s Democrats voting against Auditing The Corrupt Federal Reserve Bank” / “Lopsided Nuke Deals” / “Obama’s Expensive and Unnecessary Trip to India” / “Obama’s Illegal Aunt Living Off Our Taxes” / “Obama Taking $500 Billion from Medicare and from Our Senior Citizens to Fund His Illegal’s On Welfare”/ “Obama Having The Christian Crosses Covered Up at Notre Dame University for His Speech” / “Mosque at 9-11 Ground Zero”/ “Obama and Hillary calling in the UN to slam Arizona, 22 States and our Nation’s Laws”/ “Our Tax Money Used to Fund The Democrat Propagandist National Public Radio” / “Obamacare” / “Abortions paid for under Obamacare” / “Suing Arizona” / “Obama’s Wealth Redistribution” / “No Social Security Cost of Living Increase for Retired Americans for Two Years”/ “Bailouts”/ “Bribes”/ “Obama’s and BP’s Mishandled Gulf Of Mexico Oil Aneurysm” / ” Cap & Trade Tax”/ “$535 Billion of Your Money Spent On Illegal’s Every Year” / “Obama’s $2.6 Trillion Amnesty” / “Economy Trashed by The Democrats” / “Democrat Voter Fraud” /” No Real Border Security Enforcement” / “Siding with the Marxist Zelaya in Honduras against the will of the people there” / “No Jobs” / “Beer Summit” / “Calling Our Returning Veterans Potential Terrorists” / “AG Holder setting the 9-11 terrorist trial just blocks from the 9-11 attack site” / “Calling Christians Potential Terrorists” / “Hands Holding Crotch During Pledge Of Allegiance” / “Rev. Wright” / “Michelle” / “Massive and Reckless Spending” / “Harry Reid” / “Nancy Pelosi” / “Sestak”/”Obamacare Death Panels” / “Nationalizing Banks” / “Nationalizing US Industry” / “Obama’s Massive Stimulus Failure” /”Calling Tea Party Activist’s Racist’s” / “New Black Panther Party Thugs empowered by Obama’s AG Holder” / “Using the NAACP to spread Racist Propaganda” / “Obama’s Dept. of Justice Refusing To Prosecute Black Racist Discrimination Against White People”/ “ACORN” / “Dead People Voting As Democrats” / “Calling Terrorism a Man Made Disaster” / “Calling America a Muslim Nation” / “Obama Giving One Billion Of Your Money To The Hamas Terrorists Of Gaza”/ “Bowing to the Saudi King of Terror” / “The Obama Apology Tour” / “Obama’s Marxist Czars” / “Obama’s Muslim Czars advocating for Islamic Sharia Law in America” / “Obama mistreating our friends” / “Cap & Trade Tax” / “Obama’s Terrorist Appeasement” / “The Islamization Of NASA” / “Muslims exempted from Obamacare” / “Obama’s Mistreatment of Israel”/
Is there more to come?  Probably.  He still has another year in office.

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Greece & World Economies

The Dow Jones has tanked the last two days.  The reason given is the situation in Greece.  Now that's interesting.

This is a list of the top five countries with the highest GDP (US $) for 2010:

United States - $14,526,550 millions.
China -                   5,878,257 millions.
Japan -                   5,458,797 millions.
Germany -              3,286,451 millions.
France -                  2,562,742 millions.

The 2010 GDP of Greece was $305,415 millions.  It ranks 32nd among all the other countries, just below Denmark (31st) and just above the United Arab Emirates (33rd).

The question is:  Why is an economy so small of such great importance to the other economies of the world, especially the stock market in the United States?  Is our economy so badly managed that it is overly influenced by blips in the minor economies of the world?  Does this have more political implications than economic implications?  Is there anyone in charge that knows what they're doing?  Just wondering.