Saturday, November 05, 2011

Greece - Why It's Important

I've wondered why it is Greece is so important. I mean, they rank 32nd in the scheme of things about Gross Domestic Product (GDP).  Why then are the top six countries in terms of GDP so concerned?  The Greece GDP is only $305,415 millions, whereas the combined GDP of the top six is over $32,500,000 millions.  What's the big deal?  Then, it hit me.  We (the top six) are all broke, except for China.  Yes, flat broke.  We owe more than our combined GDPs.  And, China is weary of propping up our economies.  It's like being in debt twice your net worth and your kids keep running up the credit cards.  So, even a small amount becomes significant.  Message to President Obama:  We cannot spend our way to prosperity.  Our only hope is to stop the spending and cut back drastically on run away green and entitlement programs.


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