Friday, November 11, 2011


Now the State Department is in on the act to delay or stop the Keystone pipeline from Canada to the Texas Gulf Coast.  The following was taken from today's edition of the Washington Post:

Citing environmental fears, the State Department on Thursday ordered a new review of a Canada-to-Texas oil pipeline, effectively delaying a final decision until after the 2012 elections and prompting a wave of criticism from businesses, unions and congressional Republicans, who called the move a "job killer."

Its obvious this is nothing but political pandering.  Environmental fears?  Nothing but cow-towing to the environmental nutcakes, and BO playing politics.  We have pipelines running all over Texas and Oklahoma, and have for years.  There's already a pipeline from Canada to Illinois, BO's home state.

If this pipeline is delayed or stopped the Canadians will take the initiative and build a pipeline to Vancouver and sell the oil to China.  You can rest assured China is watching these developments closely and will do whatever they can to stop the  movement of Canadian oil into the United States.

BO must GO!! 


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