Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Peel an onion barehanded.  Then rub your eyes.  That's how easy it is to transfer a virus from your hands to your eyes thus cause an illness.  So, wash your hands--often with soap and warm water.  Keep them away from your face.  This is said often by various sources, but can't be said often enough.  Stay safe.  I need you.

Saturday, June 27, 2020


There’s much ado in political circles to expand the voting process, especially in Democrat conclaves.   I was an election judge for 12 years.  I'm here to tell you opportunities for voter fraud lurks in every nook and cranny of the process.  The fraud possibilities  grow  exponentially the more you expand the opportunities   The only way to minimize the opportunities is strict registration with proof of citizenship and residency, voter ID, strict enforceable rules and regulations for absentee ballot voting, eliminate the provisional ballot, require every step in the voting and counting of votes to be overseen by a representative from the two major parties plus an independent, screening all poll workers for competency, and extensive training thereof.  And, even with all of this the process can still be compromised by the covert cooperation of a very few ill placed individuals intent on changing vote tallies to suit their own selfish interests. .

Friday, June 26, 2020


I’ve seen dozens of TV news videos that show rampaging hoodlums smashing and burning the past few weeks.  Aside from the obvious, two things for me stand out the most.  Almost all the so-called protestors are young white people, especially a large number of white females.  Very few are black.  The TV news media has to seek out blacks to interview.  The other thing I notice is almost all have iphones taking selfie videos in the throes of the mob.  It’s as though they are engaged in making a movie and they are the star. These little self absorbed nit-wits with the brains of a gnat give cause to swat them.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Today Xi and Putin are smiling as they watch law-and-order in the United States crumble under the heels of Alinsky and Soros with lawlessness and violence rampant in many quarters under the cover of racism and police brutality.  The Achille’s Heel of America has been discovered.  Scare the populace half to death with the release of a viral virus.  Use it as a cover to unleash anarchy and violence onto the most vulnerable governing entities controlled by the most liberal and weakest elements of government and to attack the keepers of peace under the guise of police brutality by the smashing of property, destruction and defacing of national memorials.
It's sickening to the law abiding citizens.  They have cause to cry out, "Where are our government officials with the gumption and intestinal fortitude to step up and put a stop to it once and for all?" And, they dither.  


There’s a constant drumbeat in many quarters about police brutality and the need to retrain police officers to be more understanding, compassionate and rules on how to refrain from physical confrontation.  So, why isn’t there just as much emphasis to retrain thugs and crooks.  It’s very simple. 1) Don’t do anything to give the police reason for confrontation.  2) If by chance you are confronted, cooperate, and 3) Do not resist.   Follow these rules and police brutality will go away.   

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

I raised Longhorn cattle for 25 years. Rope, especially those with a loop on one end, was essential to our work.  Today I’m hesitant to even pick up a rope, especially one with a loop on one end, for fear I’ll be branded a white supremacist racist.  Yet, lots of rope is used by the “protestors”(anarchist hoodlums) to pull down and destroy dozens of statues of historical figures in the name of racial equality.  Even short pieces of rope with a hand loop attached to a garage door used to pull it down are racist symbols.  Is there anything they can find that is not racist?  Poor Will Rogers.  He and all his cute rope tricks would brand him a white racist today.  They’d care less he was mostly Native American.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

I, for one, am weary of hearing the constant drumbeat about how evil the people of the South were because they owned slaves. Get over slavery.  It was a way of life in almost every society and culture from the beginning of mankind up and until 1800.  Many people in  the North owned slaves.  Many engaged in the slave trade.  So the North fought a war with the South over several issues including slavery.  The North won. That was 155 years ago. All these people blaming the South for all the ills of the black community are ignorant.  They need to shut up and quit rubbing salt in the wounds.
The following is from the New York City Public Library web site:  https://www.nypl.org/blog

With the aggressive increase in the slave trade and the expansion of the city, an official slave market opened in 1711 by the East River on Wall Street between Pearl and Water Streets. By 1730, 42 percent of the population owned slaves, a higher percentage than in any other city in the country except Charleston, South Carolina. The enslaved population—ranged between 15 and 20 percent of the total population. The slave market on  Wall Street  closed in 1762 but men, women, and children continued to be bought and sold throughout the city.
After the abolition of slavery, which became effective on July 4, 1827, New York’s shameful history of discrimination, racism, rigid segregation, and anti-black violence continued. By the 1850s, the city was dominating the illegal international slave trade to the American South, Brazil, and Cuba. New York benefited much from slavery and the slave trade: southern cotton and sugar sailed to Europe from its harbor. Banks, insurance companies—among them Aetna, JP Morgan Chase, and New York Life—and lawyers made a brisk business with slaveholders and slave ship owners. Traders and builders outfitted slave ships. 
In this northern city, pro-Confederate sentiment ran high, and in July 1863, during the infamous Draft Riots 11 black men were lynched, tortured, mutilated, some hung from lampposts and burned. About 100 people (mostly blacks) were killed in Manhattan and Brooklyn, 100 buildings were destroyed, the property damage was high. The brutal episode changed the demographics of black New York. From 12,472 in 1860, the black population decreased to 9,943 in 1865. 

Monday, June 22, 2020

It may be time to begin to learn to speak Chinese.  I’ve seen this movie before.  Different players, different locale, but same script. The rise of Nazism in Germany in the 1930’s was lead by the Brown Shirt cadre, a mob of young hoodlums sanctioned by Hitler, creating social disorder by acts of violence, tearing down historic statues, defacing monuments, burning books, setting fire to libraries, intimidating the general populace with physical violence, etc., much the same as we see today in our own country.  It was primarily the United States that invaded Germany in the 1940’s and brought peace and order, but only after Germany was virtually destroyed and begging for peace.  We occupied Germany the next 50 years.  I see us today going the way of Nazi Germany.  We will be the victim and China will be the power that virtually destroys us and will occupy us the next 50 years, or more. 
We have only a short time frame to reverse all this. President Trump has to take control and use whatever force required to put down this rebellion once and for all. President Lincoln used troops to put down the rebellion of the South.  President Eisenhower used troops to integrate the schools in Little Rock.  President Clinton used troops to destroy David Koresh and his movement at Waco.  So, there is precedence for President Trump to act, and act he must.  

Sunday, June 21, 2020

This afternoon I burned a large brush pile.  I dragged a garden hose with spray nozzle to the pile to have just in case.  I sat in the golf cart close by while I kept an eye on the fire.  It was a large pile.  Took a while to burn down to just a bed of glowing coals.  That gave me a lot of time to think.
Here’s just one of the things I concluded from my thinking:  I’ve been in and out of politics doing yeoman work most of my adult life.  Never ran for office.  But have been close around a number that have ran for public office, including several congressmen as an ardent campaign worker.  I’ve paid close attention to the political events of the day. I’ve written an untold number of letters and articles about the political scene, both local and national.  It suddenly occurred to me out of a cloudy sky threatening rain that many people who run for office, get elected and run our government have two traits in  common. They have an inflated ego of self-worth; and have a remarkable propensity for pettiness. 
Today we hear a drumbeat by law firms on TV for young boys that were molested by scoutmasters to come forward and join in a lawsuit to sue the Boy Scouts organization.
The Boy Scouts of America was founded in the United States in 1910.  It originally was for boys from 11 to 15 years of age, that aimed to develop good citizenship, chivalrous behavior, and skill in various outdoor activities. It was not without various controversies over the years  from a few socialistic organizations. But, basically they kept their nose clean and were free of serious implications until recent history.  
After lengthy and high profile cases against the Boy Scouts  by the homosexual, a.k.a. gay, community, they relented to the pressure and the ban on gay scouts was lifted in 2013, and a ban on gay scoutmasters was eliminated in 2015.  
Now five years later in the year 2020 numerous law firms smell blood and have gone after the Boy Scouts on behalf of young scouts who were molested by homosexual scoutmasters.  Dah!  What did they expect to happen when gay scoutmasters were put in close and personal proximity with young boys?  The Boy Scouts organization fell into disrepute and finally took out bankruptcy.  The demise of a once great organization brought down by the social justice police.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

There’s a constant drum beat in the national news media and certain political quarters to defang the police and retrain them. They want to set up protocols and training for cops to be social, understanding and compassionate. That’s like training someone to be understanding and compassionate with a rattlesnake.  They don’t advocate a protocol and rules for the thugs.  They have no rules.  Anything goes.  Cops have to handle them with white kid gloves.  They can gouge a cop’s eyes, but the cop can’t gouge their eyes.  There’s three things all the high publicity victims of police brutality had in common. They were all small time thugs with a police wrap sheet.  They did something to get the attention of the police.  They resisted.  Co-operate and don’t resist and you won’t be shot by the police.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Black lives don't matter.  What matters is who kills a black life.  Blacks kill blacks every day.  They don't matter.  Protestors kill blacks.  They don't matter.   A white guy, especially a policeman, kills a black.  Now, that black life matters.  What matters is who kills a black life.  Loss of these black lives ignite massive protests that quickly escalate to rampant large-scale violence, burning and looting. These black victims are eulogized and elevated to a status just below sainthood.  The one thing these lives have in  common, other than skin color, is they were small time thugs.

To:  The White House, Washington, D.C.  Donald J. Trump, President of the United States of America
Since the dissidents in Seattle have declared themselves to be a governing sovereign nation and no longer subject to the laws of the United States of America, they therefore have forfeited their American citizenship and no longer enjoy the rights and privileges thereof.  They are no different than the dissidents of the Southern States that declared themselves to be a sovereign nation, and President Lincoln sent Union Troops to defeat them and occupy their area. 
THEREFORE, immediately in the stealth of night surround the declared sovereign area with federal troops.  Allow no none to exit or to enter.  Capture every occupant as a prisoner of war to be treated as such.  Set up a military tribunal much like after WW II and try them as war criminals.  

Saturday, June 06, 2020

POLICE BRUTALITY - The Do’s & Don't's
There’s an easy four-step solution to police brutality.  1). If possible don’t put yourself in a situation to be confronted by the police.  2).  If you are confronted by the police for whatever reason, do what they tell you to do.  3).  Don't resist.  If you resist, insult with foul language, spit on them, what can you expect—to be handled with white kid gloves? and  4). Thank them for the job they do.   Be respectful and they will be respectful.  Don’t get it in your head that by resisting and insulting them you are making some kind of politically correct statement.

Tuesday, June 02, 2020

The economy continues to suffer from the China virus manifestations  and hoodlums (“protestors”) that freely roam about to destroy and loot at will as the Democrats and national news media gleefully cheer.  They want to “kill” Trump, bring the country to a heap of ashes so, as they think, they will arise like the phoenix to remake the United States in their image with them in power to create Utopia for all.  What a bunch of delusional nit-wits!