Saturday, April 26, 2014

Cliven Bundy & Free Speech

Poor old Cliven Bundy!
He had a good thing going with his opposition to big government in-your-face, and then he got a little carried away with his new found notoriety and exercised his right to free speech on other topics.  What he has learned the hard way is:  If you are a white non-progressive conservative man when you talk about race, gays, women's rights, and abortion you are dancing on eggs, and better speak accordingly else you will be eviscerated by the progressive liberals, main stream news media, and pocket Republicans.
Free speech has its limits.

ADDENDUM (24 hours later):

Donald Sterling, owner of the NBA Los Angeles Clippers, stepped in "IT" when he exercised his right to free speech by his remarks about race.

If you are a white man you cannot speak freely about race topics without running the risk of severe consequences.  If you are a black man, you can speak freely using the dreaded "N" word at will with no consequences.

Do we live in a great country, or what?

Monday, April 21, 2014

The 2nd Amendment and Over Reaching Government

We have two classic examples of what happens when the people do or do not have guns.

The federal government's Bureau of Land Management (BLM) brought out well armed agents to enforce its regulations on a lone rancher in Nevada, a telling over reach of government power.  They hastily backed down and retreated when faced with an equal or larger group of well armed citizens.

Then, we have the situation in the Ukraine where an over reaching powerful neighboring country, Russia, quietly assumes power over the country unopposed.  Why?  Because the citizens were not armed with guns and did not have equal or greater fire power.

Never, never ever under estimate the importance of the 2nd Amendment and the power it has in the hands of the citizens to keep a tyrannical government in check.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

States Constitutional Convention

I'm scared half to death to think about the states convening a Constitutional Convention to write a new Constitution.  Good God!  Just think what it would be like with the hundreds, or maybe thousands, of screaming liberals invading the convention and throwing it into total chaos with their insatiable demands for every liberal cause you can visualize.  I foresee nothing of substance could be accomplished, and we would end up with something so totally and grotesquely liberal in nature it could never be proportionately applied to the nation as a whole.

The Constitution we have NOW has served us well for over 200 years.  Why do away with it for something of unknown quality?  What is needed is to ENFORCE the Constitution we now have.  The current government and even those preceding it all the way back to the Wilson Administration (1918-1920) have trampled on the Constitution to some degree or another.  The current Constitution provides for a mechanism to alter it by amendment.

I throughly endorse the proposed 28th Amendment to require members of Congress to abide by the same laws we do, but fear it would be of little effect.  Members of Congress and government routinely ignore the provisions of the Constitution and have for years on end, so why think they would be any different with the 28th Amendment?  The Constitution requires that Congress pass an annual budget, but have gone without a budget for six years?  It's a joke!  Many IRS people are years in arrears for payment of their income taxes.  It goes on infinitely.  

The only hope is to find some way to make ALL voters have skin-in-the-game.  As long as voters can get free stuff and no consequences, then they will vote for the free stuff.

The BLM and Arithmetic

For sure, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) can count and add.
They didn't withdraw from the Bundy Ranch incident in Nevada for humane or judicial reasons.  They withdrew (retreated) because they knew they had only 200 guns.  When they looked out across the barricades they saw over a thousand people most of whom had guns.  If it came to a shootout they knew they would be on the loosing end, so prudence became the better part of valor.  Had those people not been there the BLM thugs would have carried out their dastardly mission to subdue Bundy, arrest him, and confiscate his cows and property.  And, it would have gone without notice in the news media.

Monday, April 14, 2014

$176 Billion Un-refunded Income Taxes

Today, the news wires were alive with a report the IRS has $176 billion in tax refunds coming to people that have not filed income tax forms to reclaim money deducted from their paychecks by their employers for the IRS.  They have until midnight tomorrow night to reclaim their money.  Why would someone not file an income tax form (Form 1040) to reclaim excess taxes deducted from their income?  The news reports, probably based on IRS sources, have claimed it is mostly students and part time workers that have no idea they have money refunds coming to them.  What is ignored and would be most interesting to know is how many of these people are illegal immigrants gainfully employed under assumed social security numbers that do not want to file tax forms for fear they will be found out and deported?

And, we have the most transparent government of all times?  

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Clark County, Nevada Stand Off

Follow the money and you'll inevitably find out what's really going on.

In the case of Clark County, Nevada, rancher Cliven Bundy's standoff with federal agents from the Bureau of Land Management, the leading explanation has been that he hasn't paid grazing fees and his cattle threaten endangered desert tortoises in the Gold Butte area.  What would be of even more relevant is just what interest does Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) and his son, Roray, have in the attempt to remove the Bundys from the public lands in the Gold Butte area.  Reid has been conspicuously quite which raises the specter of suspicion as to his motives.  I think it demands a congressional investigation.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Obama Leadership

Today the Obama administration said it will not issue a visa to Hamid Aboutalebi, Iran's choice for United Nations ambassador who has admitted he worked for the revolutionary student group that seized the United States Embassy and held 52 Americans for 444 days in 1979.

Once again.  One more time.  Obama leads from behind.  The man has no will, desire, or intestinal fortitude to step forward and take the initiative to be out front on any issue of significance.  Only after the Senate and the House passed resolutions to deny the Iranian guy a visa to the United States to be Iran's representative at the U.N. did Obama act.  The guy is gutless.

Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Jeb Bush - Presidential Candidate?

Jeb Bush has been making noises like he may toss his hat into the ring to seek the Republican nomination for the 2016 presidential election thus giving us another Bush versus Clinton race.

We don't need any more Bushes.  The Bushes are fine people, but they are too "goody two shoe."  They mean well, but "mean well" does not cut it with the Democrats.  They take a liberal hard line and don't deviate.  The only way to defeat them is to cut them to pieces with no quarter given.  That is not the nature of the Bushes.  They see goodness everywhere, even in the devil.

We Conservatives need someone that will take it to the Democrats like a mean junkyard pit bulldog.  Someone that will fight them tooth and toenail and win.  We've had Dole, McCain and Romney all moderates that want to "work" with the Democrats, and what has it gotten us. . . Obama.

If we are ever to get our country back the Democrats will have to be relegated to the ash heap of history.