Saturday, September 27, 2014

Four Kinds of People in the World

There are four kinds of people in the world.

There are those that are intelligent and reasonable.
There are those not so intelligent, and reasonable.
There are those that are intelligent and unreasonable.
There are those not so intelligent and unreasonable.

About 80% of the world's population is made up of the first two groups.
About 20% of the world's population is made up of the third and fourth groups.

The sad thing is the majority group lets themselves be intimidated by the minority group.  In their interest to be reasonable and understanding they let themselves become victims of the minority group.  This in turn leads to chaos and confusion amongst them.  There comes a time when the reasonable ones have to shake it off and take a stand against the unreasonable ones and defeat them.

The great question is at what point is critical mass reached?  

How to Fight Islamic Terrorism

Our president just a few days ago before the United Nations said, "The only thing they understand is force."  By "they" he was referring to the Islamic terrorists, though he is loath to so characterize them.

I couldn't agree more.  The problem is how do you exert force on the Islamic terrorists?  Just today for the first time I heard a man, Michael Scheur former CIA operative, say live on national TV what I've long advocated.  Scheur said no war was ever won by air except for Nigatake and that will never happen again.  He also said Islamic terrorists can't be defeated by boots on the ground.  What he said that is significant is that you let them kill each other.

Those people in the Islamic Middle East have being fighting among themselves for centuries.  They will continue to fight among themselves for centuries.  So, how do you eliminate, or a least minimize, the problem?  You do what is necessary to enable them to fight among themselves to the point they annihilate one another, or at least minimize their influence in the world community.

My suggestion to our government is to openly stay out of the fray and keep a closed mouth while covertly supporting all sides with whatever wherewithal they need to successfully fight among themselves to the point of exhaustion or annihilation.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Tarnished Peace Prize

Here's the real problem, Folks.

We have a president that was awarded the Noble Peace Prize for doing absolutely nothing to earn it, except be black and talk about world peace.  He has become so infatuated with the notion he is the world's peacemaker that he is loath to use military force even to protect our national security for fear it will tarnish his peace prize.

The epitome of narcissism.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Eric Holder Resignation - My Take

So, Eric Holder resigned.  Despite all the flowery tributes by Obama it boils down to one thing. . . politics.  I think the Democrat Party big-wigs came to Obama and told him Holder had to go. . . NOW!

The Democrats can see the hand writing on the wall.  They will loose control of the Senate in November.  Holder is so volatile the Democrats don't want him as an albatross  around their necks for the 2016 presidential elections.  So, get Holder out of there now and get someone less volatile and more palatable to the electorate while the Democrats still control the Senate and can get the new nominee approved prior to the November elections.

I suspect Holder is like a migraine headache.  He will be back at some point, and continue to be a pain in the posterior.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Dr. Ezekiel J. Emanuel

This morning I saw Dr. Ezekiel J. Emanuel, the purveyor of Obamacare, on TV say he did not want to live beyond age 75 because the deterioration of life is such that it is not worth it.  Is this the precursor of "death panels"?

I checked and Ezekiel is 57 years of age.  He has 18 more years before he intends to kick the bucket.  Age 55 is the place in life when most people peak out and it is down hill the rest of the way.  Ezekiel has just reached that peak.  It'll be interesting to see how he thinks as he trends downward on the path of life.

I'm 85 years of age and I still find life well worth living.  In fact, I intend to do my dead level best to live another 18 years to see if Ezekiel makes good on his declaration.  That means I'll be 103 years of age then.  I want to then remind Ezekiel baby about his declaration of life's worthiness.

My father lived beyond 104 years.  Though his body was weak his mind was sharp.  For him life was worth living.  Maybe I have the genes from my father to equal or surpass him in life.

Have we as a nation gone crazy, or what?

Our news media and prominent spokespersons comment and pontificate to no end about the abuses of little boys in men's bodes that haven't yet learned how to behave while our national security and culture crumble around us.

Our government sends several thousand army troops to a germ infested area to fight ebola, a deadly disease, while it dithers and wrings its hands over what to do about the overt and deadly aggression of a militant terrorism organization in theMiddle East that is growing exponentially while threatening to bring their terror to our shores.

Our traditional American culture and values are under constant threat from a Godless secular movement of multiculturalism and political correctness as our immigration policies encourage those with conflicting values and cultures to come to our shores to entrench their own values and cultures within enclaves in our major cities.

America, for the love of God and country, wake up!  Preserve our values and traditions.  Tighten our immigration laws and enforcement, and if we allow them to come here require them to learn and accept us and our language, values, and traditions; else don't come.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Obama and Ebola

So, Obama is sending 3,000 army troops to Africa to fight ebola.  Our army troops are trained to break things and kill the enemy.  Now they are to be social aid workers?  Incredible!

Could it be that Obama read Tom Clancy’s book, Executive Orders, where the bad guys loaded the ebola virus in spray canisters and time released the germ laden spray at a Super Bowl game to infect as many people as possible so they in turn would infect the main population thus spreading fear and chaos so the bad guys could restore order and take over the government?

Obama promised numerous times to fundamentally transform America.  What better way to spread fear and chaos among the general population than to bring ebola to our shores by sending 3,000 American soldiers into ebola infested areas knowing full well some will become infected and return to America and spread the virus.  Then, Obama can arise to the occasion like a black knight on a white horse and ride to the rescue to restore quite and calm thus fundamentally transform America to his liking.

Just thinking. 

The Seven Dwarfs and ISIS

Obama's "plan" to arm the Syrian rebels as a formidable force to confront ISIS is like arming Snow White's seven dwarfs to face Genghis Khan.  The so-called Syrian rebels will prove to be just as unreliable as the Iraqi army was when faced by ISIS.  The end result will be our armaments falling into the hands of ISIS to be used against us..

"Folly-of-thought" is scarcely strong enough words to adequately describe the inane weakness of Obama's thought processes.  The man is so totally incapable of militarily thinking, especially in terms of what is best to provide for the security of the nation as required by the Constitution.  He is so narcissistic he is totally unable to accept the counsel of our experienced and talented military leaders.  He is more intent on reducing our military capability than he is in instigating and maintaining a strong military posture to be respected by our allies and feared by our enemies.  He has no concept of negotiating from a position of power.

I see nothing but disastrous results in the making unless somehow, someway certain powers in government come to the forefront and alter Obama's direction of feckless action.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

ISIS and Pirates

During the 18th and 19th Centuries pirates roamed the open seas taking every opportunity to prey on and loot commercial ships on the open seas.  They were a heartless, ruthless, and vicious  bunch of criminals and misfits that freelanced under a black flag of skull and cross bones.  They were feared by all when at sea because their trademark was holding their captives for ransom, and killing them (usually by beheading) if the ransom was not met.

Fast forward to the 21st Century.  We have ISIS, a bunch of heartless, ruthless, and vicious Islamic bunch of criminals and misfits that prey on the most innocence to kidnap, hold captive, and demand ransom.  If the ransom is not paid then they behead the victims.

The main difference is the pirates roamed the open seas, whereas ISIS operates on a land mass in an area as unstable as the seas while freelancing under a black flag of religion.  Their intent is even more dastardly because they seek to occupy and control a large land mass under the auspices of a legitimate government while forming a caliphate and implementing Sharia Law to be spread world wide.

So, what does the world do about it?  Not much.  Our own president is reluctant to call these thugs what they are. . . terrorists.  He is reluctant to use the word "war."  He dithers and dawdles, and makes a decision to use air power only when pressured, and then for "pin prick" strikes on specific targets, i.e. use a $7 million aircraft to launch a $350,000  missile to destroy a $25 tent in the desert.

Obama is right about one thing. It will take years to make a difference when conducting a "strategic counter-terriorism" mission this way.  After Pearl Harbor our nation came together and went all out to launch a war against Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany.  We simultaneously conducted a war in two theaters, Pacific and Europe, and in four years had unconditionally defeated both Japan and Germany.

These same "land pirates" struck a serious blow in 2001 when they brought down the Twin Towers and struck the Pentagon in Washington, D.C.  You would think we would have gone all out after them, but we didn't.  Somewhere in our national consciousness beginning with Viet Nam we've become so divided on so many issues, especially national security, that we are unable to act with unity.

We've become like a big, mean, ugly pit bull dog with a loud bark and growl, but has rubber teeth.  


Saturday, September 13, 2014

Branches and Switches

Obviously, those that write the scripts for the "talking heads" to read on national TV networks don't know the difference between a tree branch and a switch.  The reports are that Vikings footballer Adrian Peterson beat his kid with a branch.  The TV optics show whelps on the kids lower legs.  It would take someone with the strength of Peterson to pick up a branch and hit a kid with it.

Peterson most likely did what my wife's mother did when she punished my wife as a child.  She sent her out to the Lombardy trees to select a switch.  If it wasn't of sufficient size she was sent back to get a larger one.  Her mother stripped the leaves off the switch except for the last few at the very end.  Then, she "switched" (hit for  you Northerners) my wife on the legs sometimes raising whelps.  Her mother should have done prison time based on today's principles of how to discipline a child.

My father probably would have been sentenced to life in prison based on how he disciplined four rowdy unruly boys.  The razor strop hung at the bottom post of my parent's bed and was always handy.  For you youngsters a razor strop is a two-foot long piece of leather the thickness of a sturdy belt used to hone the cutting edge of a straight edge razor.

If we were at the barn my father used a check line.  That's a short piece of leather about an inch or so wide and four feet long used to hook two mules together to make a team.  It takes two check lines criss-crossed from mule to mule.  A check line was always handy.  And, he not only punished the offending kid, but punished all of us.  That conveyed the message emphatically.

Those were the Great Depression days.  Our parents were working long hours and struggling hard to get a little food on the table and to make ends meet.  They didn't have the time nor patience for trying to reason with a kid in a polite, thoughtful, and understanding way.  We got the message right away in no uncertain terms.

We as a nation have become overly infatuated with all the liberal notions of how to raise, feed, clothe, and discipline children.  We have way too much time on our hands to contemplate the wonders of our navel and marvel at the liberal ideas of how to conduct our lives.

Maybe another Great Depression is needed to bring us back to reality.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Cause to ask why?

Why is it a rag-tag group of JV terrorists can in a matter of few months go from an army of no concern to a formable army occupying large parts of Syria and Iraq with thousands of well trained and well equipped warriors, whereas we spent years and millions of dollars training and equipping the Iraqi army only to have them turn tail and run when confronted by ISIS?

Why is it that thousands of Muslims and hundreds of Westerners, including Americans, flock to ISIS to fight for their cause?

Why is it we are allow ISIS agents to recruit Americans in local mosques and our prisons to join the ISIS cause?

Why is it ISIS beheads American journalists and shows it to the world on YouTube and we do nothing?

We have way too many "whys?" that beg for an answer.

Monday, September 08, 2014

News Media as The Fourth Estate

Whatever happened to the concept of the news media as "the fourth estate"?  The American news media have become so "in bed" with the liberal Democrat Party that it is nearly impossible to get an unbiased account of political events.

Access to factual unbiased information is essential to a healthy democracy.  First, it ensures that citizens make responsible, informed choices rather than acting out of ignorance and misinformation.  Second, such information serves as a "check" on elected representatives to ensure they uphold their oaths of office and carry out the wishes of those that elected them.

In the United States, the media is often called the fourth branch of government (or "fourth estate").  That's because it monitors the political process in order to ensure that political players don't abuse the democratic process.

Others call the media the fourth branch of government because it plays such an important role in the fortunes of political candidates and issues.  This is where the role of the media can  become controversial.  News reporting is supposed to be objective, but journalists are people, with feelings, opinions and preconceived ideas.  The problem in recent history is our schools of journalism are dominated by liberal professors and thought, thus turn out like thinking journalists unable to make objective judgements of any newsworthy political event.  This has never been more evident as it has the last six years of the Obama reign as the media fawns over Obama even as he makes obviously dumb statements.  Case in point, when Republican vice-president Dan Quayle publicly spelled the plural of potato in an irregular, but acceptable, manner he was eviscerated by the media, but when Obama mispronounced "corpsman" not once, but three times in a prepared speech the press gave him a pass.

The influence of the mass media greatly affects our politics.  The public's point of view is changed by the way the news is reported.  When the public's views are affected, the voting polls are too, and when votes are changed, different public officials are elected.  The mass media has a powerful effect on politics.

Watergate was mostly a media created event. It was about the cover-up of a third rate burglary of the Democrat Party office in the Watergate Hotel.  No one was killed or died, but some of those involved did prison time.  Fast forward to the Obama reign and there is "Fast and Furious" gun running and a dead border agent.  There is "Benghazi" with a dead ambassador and three other Americans dead.  There is the Obamacare roll out.  There is the "IRS" scandal.  Yet, nothing is done by the main line news media to bring anyone in the Obama administration to account.

It is only the past several months that a few in the news media are beginning to break ranks and report the missteps, failures, and lack of leadership by Obama and his administration.


    Tuesday, September 02, 2014


    Long ago when I was a youngster growing up we paid to get into the sideshows at the circus and fair carnivals to see people with weird tattoos all over, rings and various ornaments in their noses, lips, cheeks and belly buttons, needles through various parts of their bodies, purple and multi-colored hair standing straight up and wearing weird trappings and garments some of which were scanty, especially on the women.  It was a real hoot for us to see such and afterwards laugh about it among ourselves.

    Now days we just go to Walmart.  And, it's free.

    If much of what we see in Walmart and elsewhere is in anyway indicative of the state of the populace, then we as a nation are in serious trouble.