Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Obama and Ebola

So, Obama is sending 3,000 army troops to Africa to fight ebola.  Our army troops are trained to break things and kill the enemy.  Now they are to be social aid workers?  Incredible!

Could it be that Obama read Tom Clancy’s book, Executive Orders, where the bad guys loaded the ebola virus in spray canisters and time released the germ laden spray at a Super Bowl game to infect as many people as possible so they in turn would infect the main population thus spreading fear and chaos so the bad guys could restore order and take over the government?

Obama promised numerous times to fundamentally transform America.  What better way to spread fear and chaos among the general population than to bring ebola to our shores by sending 3,000 American soldiers into ebola infested areas knowing full well some will become infected and return to America and spread the virus.  Then, Obama can arise to the occasion like a black knight on a white horse and ride to the rescue to restore quite and calm thus fundamentally transform America to his liking.

Just thinking. 


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