Sunday, November 23, 2008


Change?  What change?

So far all Obama has done is appoint old Clinton Administration retreads.  Seems the only change was to get rid of Bush.  

Obama's proposed New New Deal is a re-run from the Roosevelt Administration during The Great Depression.  All his proposals to build bridges, roads, schools, etc. are nothing but a regurgitation of Roosevelt's New Deal programs like the WPA, CCC, NRA, etc.  They didn't work then and they won't work now.  The more government tinkers the more the economy becomes mucked up, and that adversely affects us all.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The United States of Chicago

Welcome to The United States of Chicago.

Get ready for Chicago style politics on the national level.  Obama, Emanuel, et al come right out of the "cookie-cutter" mechanism of the Mayor Richard Daley political machine in Chicago.  They are slick.  They are smooth.  They are cool.  They speak with a forked tongue in great sounding platitudes, but they act like the thugs they are.  They give no quarter, they take no prisoners. They slip the knife right between their opponents' ribs and twist it all the while smiling and emoting over the great loss.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Financial Bailouts

What is this nonsense about financial bailouts for failing enterprises?  Since when have we not had the freedom to succeed , or fail?

First, we have a financial crisis brought on by the insane intrusion of government to create GSE's (government sponsored enterprises) like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac with politicians (think Barney Frank and Chris Dodd) using them as instruments of social engineering in the interest of buying votes and solidifying their power base.  Now we have that same group of political morons in Washington spending billion$ of the public's money to try undo the mess they created in the first place with bailouts for companies that have been mismanaged and need to fail anyhow.  Why do we pay bonuses to AIG executives that drove the company into the ground?  They should be terminated with forfeiture of all pay and benefits.  The company should go into chapter eleven bankruptcy.

Since when have politicians had the constitutional power to decide which private enterprises are to be bailed out and which ones are left to die?  Now that we have bailouts every entity is grousing for a handout, even unheard of small towns in Michigan, not to mention Los Angeles and Philadelphia.  Good grief!  When you start throwing money around everyone have their hands out!  Even my cows hang around the barn and eat as long as I throw hay out for them instead of going out into the pasture and grazing grass.

The politicos keep saying this is the "worst financial crisis since The Great Depression."  Hell, they have no idea of what they say.  They've only heard about or read about The Great Depression.  They have no idea!  I'm a child of The Great Depression.  I remember it well. We're no where close to a Great Depression.   These people think that if they can't buy their latta (or what ever its called) at Starbucks they are in a world of hurt.

The best solution is for government (politicians) to quit tinkering with the free enterprise system and get out of the way.  Yes, there may be some hurt, but from it comes a greater strength.   Will Obama get out of the way?  I hardly think so.  We are in for more and more government intrusion and meddling.  This can't be good.    

Tuesday, November 04, 2008


So now a black man has ascended to the highest position in the land, President of the United States of America.

No longer can the black community complain about racism.  I don't want to hear any more complaining by the blacks that they are victims and downtrodden by whites.  I don't want to hear any more about how 400 years of slavery has victimized them.  I don't want to hear anymore "God damn America" from the mouths of blacks.  This is the end of racism.  It is now time for the black community to accept complete and full responsibility for their actions.  It is no longer the white man's responsibility to acquiesce to the accommodation of the black man's needs.  He is now on his own.

I only wish  the above were true.  I truly fear we will have change.  I am fearful America will never be the same again.  Progressive socialism has arrived and is here to stay.  Too many people have no roots deep in the traditions that made this country great.  Too many people look to the government to take care of them.