Wednesday, November 23, 2022


I have a plan for all the healthy young men age 18 to 32 illegally migrating across the Southern Border.  Conscript them into an elite military unit with the specific purpose to eliminate the Mexican Drug Cartels.  If they serve 3 years honorably they will receive an honorable discharge and be put on a fast track to citizenship.  If they cause any problems they will immediately be shipped back to their home country.  There is precedent for the conscription of young American men to serve in the military.  Lincoln conscripted young American men to serve during the Civil War.  Young men were conscripted during WW I, WW ll and Viet Nam. There is no reason why young illegal migrant men cannot also be conscripted to serve.     

Sunday, November 13, 2022


What happened to the Red Wave?  It turned into a Red Trickle.  Why?  Because the Democrats know how to win.  The Republicans know how to snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory.  Democrats govern to win.   They fight like a junkyard bull dog.  Republicans govern to loose.  They quake like a nervous Chihuahua.  Democrats brow beat and twist arms.  Republicans hide and wet their pants.  Republicans will never again win an election unless and until they change their modus operandi to meet the Democrats eyeball-to-eyeball with equal or greater fire power.