Monday, June 19, 2023

 John Fetterman (D-PA)

The only thing John Fetterman, senator from Pennsylvania, has going for him is his size (6ft., 9 in., 270 lbs.).  If he were 5 ft. 4 in., 148 lbs. he would never have been elected mayor of his home town, Braddock, PA, much less a senator. There’s something that dates back to the beginning of mankind that “baked” size into our DNA.  Size matters is something smaller men have known for years.  It dates back to Biblical days when David brought down a giant by cunning, skill, and a degree of luck.  Most corporate and political leaders of note are over 6 feet tall, and taller the better.

This takes me back to my college days 70 years ago.  I was enrolled in a psychology class. One day between a change of classes the hallway was teeming with students making their way to class.  In the hallway outside our classroom doorway a sudden and loud alternation occurred between two smaller male students.  It lasted about a minute and ended as suddenly as it began. A male student head and shoulders taller than everyone else was standing nearby.  He was not a recognizable athlete.  He did nothing to interfere.  He just simply stood there.  The bell rang and the hallway quickly vacated.  The psychology professor had each of us write a description of what occurred as though she was  getting information for disciplinary action.  Only after she collected all the descriptions did she reveal it was a  put-up scam.  Much discussion followed.  None of us were able to give reasonable descriptions of the two in the altercation though they had very descriptive appearances.  We all were able to give reasonably accurate descriptions of the tall student.  Point made.  Size matters. 


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I read that story in your book :)

7:30 AM  

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