Tuesday, May 09, 2023

 National Guards to Southern Border

This is a clarion call to all red state governors to dispatch their National Guard troops to the Southern Border to help secure it from illegal immigration.  National Guard troops are to be stationed to cover the entire border with orders to restrain illegals from entry and turn them back.  Any illegal immigrants that attempt to cross the border will be restrained by whatever means necessary and placed in a special secure holding compound pending disposition for return to their original source.  Claims for asylum will be ignored.  They will be told to comply with the law and apply legally.

This insanity of mass illegal immigrants flooding our country must be stopped.  It is nothing more than the Democrat’s ploy to gain a plurality of votes to remain in power for years to come.  They need a large underclass of voters that know very little about our traditions, laws, and government to be easily manipulated.


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