Saturday, August 31, 2013

A thin-skin president that dithers

When your enemies fight each other stay out of the fray.  Let them kill each other.
We DO NOT need to be engaged in another war.  Our overt military involvement in Syria does nothing to promote peace in the Middle East.  Obama painted himself into a corner and now is desperate to save face at the expense of our military.
Images of faces of starving and dead children have been used on TV for years to whip up public emotion and approval for military action.  Such images from around the world can be shown on any given day.  There is always such going on somewhere in the world.  We are a compassionate nation, but we CANNOT be the savior of the world.  We are no longer a wealthy nation.  We're up to our eyebrows in debt with a thin-skin president that dithers, and dithers.
Those people in the Middle East have been fighting among themselves for centuries.  Islam is not a religion of peace.  There is no way we can as a tolerant and compassionate people over come the intolerance of the Muslim world.  When intolerance meets tolerance intolerance always wins.  When the tolerant become intolerant (think American Revolution) only then can tolerance win.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Fear of Being a Racist

The fear of being branded as a racist by the black community is paramount in the white community.

The chief of police in Spokane says it was not racist when two black teenagers beat a white 88-year old WW II veteran to death to rob him.  The chief said it was the old man's fault because he fought back.  Because he fought back?  That is a cop out to avoid being labeled as a racist.

The district attorney in Oklahoma said it was not a racist crime when two black and one white teenager shot and killed a white Australian student out jogging because they were bored even though one black teen had posted hate for whites on his Facebook.  Posted on his Facebook that he hated whites?  The district attorney dismisses that because he is fearful of being labeled racist.

The black community has no compunction to yell "RACISTS!" at even the most feeble of the few instances of white on black violence (George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin), and the weak-knee national news media are quick to take up their mantra and spread the illusion of racism.  The problem is we have racist hucksters that achieve their fame and fortune by promoting racism heaped onto the white community.

And, we, the white community, have to dance on eggs when we speak to be sure we do not say or do anything to offend the black racist pimps.

Sunday, August 25, 2013


The silence is deafening.

Two very recent high profile black on white murders and we don't hear so much as a peep from the race baiting pimps Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Maxine Watters, etc.  No comment from Obama.  After getting some flack Jesse did tweet with a pitifully weak apology and statement.  That was it.  No constant day after day railing on national TV about white racism like they did in the Trayvon Martin case.

I wonder what Jackson's, Sharpton's and the national media reactions would have been had Elbert "Shorty" Belton, the 88-year WW II Veteran, had of pulled out a gun and shot dead one or both of the black teens that beat him to death?  We never would have heard the end of the racist blather.  You have to be a really "brave" teenager to jump and beat up an 88-year old man.  Had they jumped him when he was a 20-year old I dare say the results would not have been pretty.

So racism is alive and well.  It just depends on whose ox is being gored.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

It's a Social Economic Problem?

It's a social-economic problem.  So say any number of so-called psychological pundits on TV about the wanton murder of the Australian student in Oklahoma.

I for one am disgusted with the way today violent behavior is excused for teens and so-called under privilege people because of social-economic reasons.  When I was a kid and a teen we had social-econiomic problems galore.  We didn't shoot someone in the back because we were bored.  We worked.  We went to school.  We made do with very little.  We wore hand-me-down clothes and if lucky got second and third-hand used shoes.  We weren't coddled and told it was someone else's fault, that we were poor, that we were victims of society and all that balderdash.

The first thing that has to happen is learn respect. . . respect for one's self, each other, parents, teachers, and the law.  When there is one or no parents, when influenced by rap, violent video games, and gang mentality there is no respect for anything, including life.

So, what can we expect?  It all starts in the home with a two-parent (a man and a woman) family.  They must first teach respect.  After that it becomes a little easier to raise a child that will not as a teen become a social-economic problem and a burden on society.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Teen Violence

Two teens beat an 88-year old WW II veteran to death.  A teen shots a 13-month old child in the head.  Three teens shoot a student from Australia in the back killing him because they were bored.  All in one recent week.  These are just the ones we hear about.  Teens in Chicago, Los Angeles, Houston and any number of other places shoot each other every day.  Why?

All kinds of so-called experts come on TV every day to give some kind of psycho babble excuses that are more fairy tale than reality.  The reason is they are THUGS.  They listen endlessly to rap where women are degraded as bitches and ho's.  Law enforcement officers are portrayed as pigs.  Hatred for whites is prevalent in the lyrics.  Killing is glorified.  They endlessly play realistic video games of mass killings.   So what can be expected from teens with nothing to do but sit around all day and listen to this kind of trash and play these kinds of games?  There's something to be said for the old adage:  Idle hands are the devil's workshop.

I took the following from a Facebook post by my son.  I think it says it all.

"Still think video games don't precondition the mind toward the commission of violent acts?  Then, I suggest you give your 8-year old son a loaded 9mm, a new Xbox with Grand Theft Auto, and see how well you sleep the next few weeks."

Nidal Hasan Death Penalty

Nidal Hasan, the Fort Hood terrorist shooter that murdered thirteen Army soldiers, has served as his own legal counsel during his court-martial.  It has now gone to the jury.  He has made it clear he seeks the death penalty so he will be a martyr in the annals of Islam.  He may be playing a psycho head game with the court expecting that since he wants death to become a martyr the court will give him life in prison to deny him his desire to be a martyr.  I'm sure there are many among us that would agree.  I am not one of them.

This may be gross to some, but this is what I would do if it were up to me.  I would give Nidal Hasan the death penalty.  I would tell him:  "This is how we will carry out your execution.  We will strip you naked.  We will throw you live into a secure pen full of starving feral hogs.  We will then scoop up the resulting hog manure, take it to Israel, and spread it on the ground as fertilizer.  That will be your martyrdom."

I would make sure this was widely publicized in the Muslim world with the message:  "Mess with us and this will be your fate."

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Government and the American Indian

Today I just ran across this quote.  It is just too good, too appropriate not to share.  It explains a lot when you let your life be run by the government.

"Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the American government take care of him better take a closer look at the American Indian." -- Henry Ford

Obamacare anyone?

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Buying Ammo and Voting

Headline:  Gov. Christie wants firearms ID card for purchase of all ammunition.

I ask you, which is the most dangerous. . . legal firearm holders buying ammunition, or illegal voters casting ballots in an election?

I don't know about other states, though I suspect they are just as strict, but in Texas to get a permit for concealed to carry it is a rigorous process.  You have to attend a firearms class, prove your proficiency with a handgun, stand a thorough background check (including not a felon), be finger printed and photographed.  I know.  I have a permit to carry.

The liberal Democrats want just anyone (even felons) to be able to show up at the polls and cast a ballot.  I contend this is much more dangerous to society at large than people with permits to carry buying ammunition.

Christie is once again proving he is more RINO than conservative Republican.

When Enemies Fight Each Other

The political angst and diplomatic hand wringing about the Muslims fighting each other in Egypt is yet more evidence of Obama's foreign policy ineptness.  He ponders and pontificates contemplating which way to turn or what to do.  He doesn't have a clue.

Those people in that part of the world have been fighting among themselves since the beginning of time.  They have no love for us regardless of how many billion$ we give them.  What they do have most in common is their hatred for the Jews and for us. They fight among themselves so they can burn our flag and destroy our embassies.

When your enemies fight each other stay out of the fray and let them annihilate one another.  This tactic is almost as old as mankind itself.  It almost wiped out The Clan Dhai (Davidson) in old Scotland in the early 1300's.

Although Davidson sounds like an English name, it is derived from the Gaelic "MacDhaibhidh"  shortened to MacDhai meaning Son of David.  The various clans often entered alliances with their enemies to battle common enemies.  Such an event occurred at the Battle of Inverhaven when the MacIntosh, MacPhersons, and MacDhais formed an alliance to battle the Camerons.  The MacIntosh and MacDhais  got into it with each other and the MacPhersons withdrew from the field of battle.  They observed the battle until the MacIntosh and MacDhais had almost annihilated each other and the Camerons.  The MacPhersons then swooped in and finished it.  Only two MacDhai (Davidson) warriors were left standing.  They never again figured prominently in the early history of Scotland. Most of them in later years migrated to The Colonies to serve the Revolutionary cause against the English.          

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Obama Clown

A rodeo clown at the Missouri Sate Fair rodeo wore a mask with the likeness of Obama during a performance.  It evoked all kinds of outrageous outbursts from the liberal media and race baiters.  One such commentator said clowns are supposed to just be funny.  He just showed his ignorance of rodeos.  Rodeo clowns are more than funny.  Their most important job is to detract the bulls to protect the cowboys that ride them.

When I told my wife about this she said, "Obama is a clown of distractions, but he doesn't protect us."

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Riddle: Nero & Obama

Riddle of the day.

What does Nero and Obama have in common?

Answer:  Nero fiddled as Rome burned while Obama plays cards as America collapses around him.

At least Nero had a talent and could play the fiddle.  Obama plays spades.  That takes no special talent, any moron can play spades.  I'd be curious to know if he can play spades any better than he can golf or shoot baskets.

Obama's biggest claim to fame is he took out Osama bin Laden.  Only now we find out he didn't even do that.  Hillary and Valerie had to drag him off the golf course to make an appearance in the Situation Room for benefit of the presidential photographer, then he retired to play spades with Reggie Love as the attack went down.  Someone else on his staff had the guts to give the order to pull the trigger on the operation.

Don't you just really admire that kind of presidential leadership?

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Obamacare Navigators

I've very recently read there will be "navigators" to begin signing people up for Obamacare beginning October 1st.  What's a navigator you ask?  They are people and organizations trained by the government to facilitate signups for the Obamacare insurance exchanges.

Here is what I've recently learned:  1) Health and Human Services does not require the navigators to undergo  minimum eligibility criteria and background checks.  2) The Administration's training program does not require navigators to have any kind of anti-fraud training.  3)  Many states do not have plans for investigating unscrupulous navigators or scam artists that may prey on vulnerable and unsuspecting people.

Not unlike most government programs Obamacare is fraught with fraud potential of unimaginable proportions.  Incredulous as it may be, Planned Parenthood has applied for navigator status to sign up consumers.  I foresee scam artists signed up as navigators, or posing as navigators, to get access to applicants' Social Security numbers, bank accounts, and other personal information.

Senator Baucus, one of the architects of Obamacare, recently become aware of the errs of his way and said Obamacare is a "train wreck" about to happen.  There must be something systemically wrong with Obamacare when Obama himself grants waivers to various companies, unions, and political entities, including even our very own Congress members and aides.

Now is the time to kill Obamacare before it becomes institutionalized as a permanent government program.  As Ronald Reagan appropriately said (paraphrased):  "The closest thing to eternity on earth is a government program."

Friday, August 09, 2013

Nidal Hasan - Martyrdom?

Nidal Hasan, the Fort Hood killer, is serving as his own defense attorney in his court martial.  He is seeking to get the death penalty to achieve martyrdom in the eyes of the Islamic world.  In what ever manner he is dispatched after receiving the death penalty I hope the court and our government go to whatever means necessary to assure he does not become a martyr of Islam.

One of the soldiers shot seven times and survived was interviewed on television.  He said since Hasan believes so strongly in the Islamic religion that when found guilty he should be put to death by a tradition of Islam. . . stoning.

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Manufactured Crisis? Or for Real?

As the news about the actions of Obama and his administration unfold concerning the Al Qaeda situation I'm thinking more and more it is a manufactured crisis.  If it was for real the president would be in the Situation Room with his critical advisors assessing the situation on an hour by hour basis.  Instead, the president is off once again on Air Force One to Hollywood to cavort with Jay Leno for the sixth time on a comedy TV show.

So, either this is a big cover up of all the "phony scandals," or if for real the president has no idea what to do so he runs away just like he did during the Benghazi crisis leaving the decision making to underlings.  Not wanting to be responsible for another Benghazi the underlings are being super cautious and closed embassies in almost every Muslim country in Africa and the Middle East.

For now, I'm of the opinion nothing will happen.  It has all the earmarks of  something really phony.  If I'm wrong then the crisis has been grossly mishandled.

An after thought:  Those Al Qaeda guys just might be jerking Obama's chain to see how he would react.

Sunday, August 04, 2013

Snowden - Putin - Flexibility

Snowden steals highly classified documents and exposes NSA for spying on everyone.  He gives some of the documents to a London journalist and to WikiLeaks.  Snowden runs to Hong Kong and hides, then to Russia where Putin gives him refuge.  In the meantime Putin thumbs his nose at Obama.  So what is Obama doing about it?  He dawdles, plays golf and goes to parties.

Whatever happened to, "I'll have more flexibility after the election" whispered in the ear of a Russian diplomat through an open microphone?  So how is this flexibility working out for you, Mr. President, as Putin thumps his bare chest and dares you to do anything about it?

Gives a whole new meaning to the word "flexibility", doesn't it?

After thought:  It's amazing to see the body language when Obama and Putin are together.  It reeks with Putin's disdain, and Obama is oblivious.  And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the state of the world.

Terrorist Threat? Or Diversion!

Is the State Department's terrorist alert and travel warning for the Muslim world a credible and honest threat, or is it yet another of Obama's clumsy attempts to divert attention away from the so-called "phony scandals"?  Can we believe a president that blamed Benghazi on a little known video, and still refuses to admit it was a real terrorist attack?  The NSA and its spying on everyone has been exposed as Obama steadfastly maintains it's a "phony scandal" to be brushed under the rug.  Is this terrorist alert just another of his attempts to minimize and marginalize the true facts and divert our attention to other matters?  Two weeks from now will we hear how Obama and his security team once again saved us from some unspecified terrorist attack?

Rest assured if an actual terrorist attack occurs Obama will blame it on Bush.

Thursday, August 01, 2013

Bradley Manning

I have no sympathy for Bradley Manning.  He is getting what he deserves.  That being said, I do not understand how it is a private in the Army had access to such highly classified material.  The Army I served in (WW II) a private was the lowest of the low in the pecking order.  We were not allowed anywhere near classified material.  Manning not only had access but was able to steal it (no doubt bypassing security checks) and give it to WikiLeaks which resulted in exposing him.  How was a lowly private able to do that?

Retired Colonel Peters on FoxNews said the Army is partly to blame much like the case of the Fort Hood killer, Nidal Hasan.  The Army in its progressive political correctness failed to act on obvious red flags about both these characters thus they slipped (or more likely passed) through the security net with disastrous consequences.

Makes one wonder how many more are compromising classified materials.  Think Snowden.