Saturday, August 31, 2013

A thin-skin president that dithers

When your enemies fight each other stay out of the fray.  Let them kill each other.
We DO NOT need to be engaged in another war.  Our overt military involvement in Syria does nothing to promote peace in the Middle East.  Obama painted himself into a corner and now is desperate to save face at the expense of our military.
Images of faces of starving and dead children have been used on TV for years to whip up public emotion and approval for military action.  Such images from around the world can be shown on any given day.  There is always such going on somewhere in the world.  We are a compassionate nation, but we CANNOT be the savior of the world.  We are no longer a wealthy nation.  We're up to our eyebrows in debt with a thin-skin president that dithers, and dithers.
Those people in the Middle East have been fighting among themselves for centuries.  Islam is not a religion of peace.  There is no way we can as a tolerant and compassionate people over come the intolerance of the Muslim world.  When intolerance meets tolerance intolerance always wins.  When the tolerant become intolerant (think American Revolution) only then can tolerance win.


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