Sunday, August 18, 2013

Buying Ammo and Voting

Headline:  Gov. Christie wants firearms ID card for purchase of all ammunition.

I ask you, which is the most dangerous. . . legal firearm holders buying ammunition, or illegal voters casting ballots in an election?

I don't know about other states, though I suspect they are just as strict, but in Texas to get a permit for concealed to carry it is a rigorous process.  You have to attend a firearms class, prove your proficiency with a handgun, stand a thorough background check (including not a felon), be finger printed and photographed.  I know.  I have a permit to carry.

The liberal Democrats want just anyone (even felons) to be able to show up at the polls and cast a ballot.  I contend this is much more dangerous to society at large than people with permits to carry buying ammunition.

Christie is once again proving he is more RINO than conservative Republican.


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