Sunday, August 18, 2013

When Enemies Fight Each Other

The political angst and diplomatic hand wringing about the Muslims fighting each other in Egypt is yet more evidence of Obama's foreign policy ineptness.  He ponders and pontificates contemplating which way to turn or what to do.  He doesn't have a clue.

Those people in that part of the world have been fighting among themselves since the beginning of time.  They have no love for us regardless of how many billion$ we give them.  What they do have most in common is their hatred for the Jews and for us. They fight among themselves so they can burn our flag and destroy our embassies.

When your enemies fight each other stay out of the fray and let them annihilate one another.  This tactic is almost as old as mankind itself.  It almost wiped out The Clan Dhai (Davidson) in old Scotland in the early 1300's.

Although Davidson sounds like an English name, it is derived from the Gaelic "MacDhaibhidh"  shortened to MacDhai meaning Son of David.  The various clans often entered alliances with their enemies to battle common enemies.  Such an event occurred at the Battle of Inverhaven when the MacIntosh, MacPhersons, and MacDhais formed an alliance to battle the Camerons.  The MacIntosh and MacDhais  got into it with each other and the MacPhersons withdrew from the field of battle.  They observed the battle until the MacIntosh and MacDhais had almost annihilated each other and the Camerons.  The MacPhersons then swooped in and finished it.  Only two MacDhai (Davidson) warriors were left standing.  They never again figured prominently in the early history of Scotland. Most of them in later years migrated to The Colonies to serve the Revolutionary cause against the English.          


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