Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Manufactured Crisis? Or for Real?

As the news about the actions of Obama and his administration unfold concerning the Al Qaeda situation I'm thinking more and more it is a manufactured crisis.  If it was for real the president would be in the Situation Room with his critical advisors assessing the situation on an hour by hour basis.  Instead, the president is off once again on Air Force One to Hollywood to cavort with Jay Leno for the sixth time on a comedy TV show.

So, either this is a big cover up of all the "phony scandals," or if for real the president has no idea what to do so he runs away just like he did during the Benghazi crisis leaving the decision making to underlings.  Not wanting to be responsible for another Benghazi the underlings are being super cautious and closed embassies in almost every Muslim country in Africa and the Middle East.

For now, I'm of the opinion nothing will happen.  It has all the earmarks of  something really phony.  If I'm wrong then the crisis has been grossly mishandled.

An after thought:  Those Al Qaeda guys just might be jerking Obama's chain to see how he would react.


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