Thursday, July 25, 2013

Letter from Obama

Today I received an email from Obama with the White House logo at the top.  In it he said:
"Too many people in this town are focused on scoring political points or fanning phony scandals instead of finding ways to help grow our economy, create jobs, or roll back a 30-year trend of rising inequality."
Is this guy for real?
How can he say with a straight face that Benghazi, NSA, IRS and Fast & Furious are phony?  It's a national disgrace for a president to say such scandals are phony.  If anything he is the phony.  It's beyond reality that the national news media are so in Obama's hip pocket that they say nothing to denigrate him, and that alone is scandalous.  FoxNews and conservative talk radio are the only ones that keep harping on the scandals.
There's three ways to solve a problem: 1) face it head on and resolve it; 2) transfer it to someone else; and 3) ignore it long enough and it will go away.
Obama's solution is ignore it, go to Illinois and talk endlessly about jobs and inequality.  An empty suit with no real solutions and no real leadership qualities. 


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