Thursday, July 04, 2013

Trust in Government

I no longer have trust in government, not only today, but going way back.

In 1958 we lived in New Jersey and I commuted to work in mid-town Manhattan to work.  I rode the 8th Avenue A-Train subway from 172nd Street to Columbus Circle where I transferred to the BB local.  I had a sore throat most of the time I rode the A-Train.  Years later I learned the government was conducting germ warfare experiments and the A-Train subway tube provided the perfect enclosed controllable area.  So, thousands of riders like me had sore throats most the time for the better part of a year.  Was that right?

When we lived in Salt Lake City in the 1960's the government was doing all kinds of strange things out in the desert west of Salt Lake City.

Today we have the NAS, IRS, CIA, and FBI doing all kinds of intrusive things we have no ideas about.  They spin, obfuscate, stonewall, deny and outright lie.  Our president is a mystery.  We know very little about him except for that  which over time he is inadvertently gradually revealing.

The government rightfully needs to keep some things secret for national security.  But, everything?  Billions of phone calls every single day?  E-mails?  Tweets?  Medical records?  Where does it stop?  I've ceased to believe or trust any and all levels of government.

Just what is the government so afraid of?


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