Sunday, July 07, 2013

Fear of the Government

"Government should fear the citizens.". . . Thomas Jefferson

Friday night my wife and I had dinner with a friend.  She is a horse woman.  She owns and operates a working horse ranch nearby.  She usually wears jeans, boots and spurs.  This night she was wearing shoes.

We had friendly conversation that later turned to a concern of our lady friend.  She was fearful of an extensive questionnaire she received from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).  It was lengthy and asked all kinds of intrusive questions about her and her business.  It carried a threat that if she did not comply she would be subject to a substantial fine and USDA officials would pay her a visit.  She felt compelled to comply, though reluctantly.  She is convinced the questionnaire was because a few months ago she made a substantial contribution to The TEA Party.

Why are we fearful of the government?  Why would an unexpected letter in the mailbox from the IRS send shivers of fear up a citizen's spine?  The government no longer fears the citizens.  It pries  into the citizens' personal lives and communications.  It controls public information and manipulates the lives of citizens to curry favor at the ballot box. The government is bigger than the citizens.

Small wonder we fear the government.  It is no longer our government.  It is "The Government."


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