Saturday, July 27, 2013

Keeping an Eye on the Ball

Obama frequently says:  "Washington doesn't keep its eye on the ball."

In case, Mr. President, you haven't noticed YOU are Washington.  The seat of government IS in Washington.  You ARE the head of state.  You ARE the commander-in-chief.  You ARE the leader (?) of the ruling political party in Washington.  You DO reside (when you stay home) in the White House at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C.  What's to say you ARE NOT Washington?

Just who is it that doesn't keep their eye the ball?  Who is it that runs from problems in Washington to the hinterland to pontificate about "political posturing, distractions and phony scandals" instead to staying home, keeping his eye on the ball, and providing the leadership needed to get the ball to bouncing again?

You, Sir, ARE the phony.


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