Thursday, August 15, 2013

Riddle: Nero & Obama

Riddle of the day.

What does Nero and Obama have in common?

Answer:  Nero fiddled as Rome burned while Obama plays cards as America collapses around him.

At least Nero had a talent and could play the fiddle.  Obama plays spades.  That takes no special talent, any moron can play spades.  I'd be curious to know if he can play spades any better than he can golf or shoot baskets.

Obama's biggest claim to fame is he took out Osama bin Laden.  Only now we find out he didn't even do that.  Hillary and Valerie had to drag him off the golf course to make an appearance in the Situation Room for benefit of the presidential photographer, then he retired to play spades with Reggie Love as the attack went down.  Someone else on his staff had the guts to give the order to pull the trigger on the operation.

Don't you just really admire that kind of presidential leadership?


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