Sunday, August 25, 2013


The silence is deafening.

Two very recent high profile black on white murders and we don't hear so much as a peep from the race baiting pimps Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Maxine Watters, etc.  No comment from Obama.  After getting some flack Jesse did tweet with a pitifully weak apology and statement.  That was it.  No constant day after day railing on national TV about white racism like they did in the Trayvon Martin case.

I wonder what Jackson's, Sharpton's and the national media reactions would have been had Elbert "Shorty" Belton, the 88-year WW II Veteran, had of pulled out a gun and shot dead one or both of the black teens that beat him to death?  We never would have heard the end of the racist blather.  You have to be a really "brave" teenager to jump and beat up an 88-year old man.  Had they jumped him when he was a 20-year old I dare say the results would not have been pretty.

So racism is alive and well.  It just depends on whose ox is being gored.


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