Saturday, August 24, 2013

It's a Social Economic Problem?

It's a social-economic problem.  So say any number of so-called psychological pundits on TV about the wanton murder of the Australian student in Oklahoma.

I for one am disgusted with the way today violent behavior is excused for teens and so-called under privilege people because of social-economic reasons.  When I was a kid and a teen we had social-econiomic problems galore.  We didn't shoot someone in the back because we were bored.  We worked.  We went to school.  We made do with very little.  We wore hand-me-down clothes and if lucky got second and third-hand used shoes.  We weren't coddled and told it was someone else's fault, that we were poor, that we were victims of society and all that balderdash.

The first thing that has to happen is learn respect. . . respect for one's self, each other, parents, teachers, and the law.  When there is one or no parents, when influenced by rap, violent video games, and gang mentality there is no respect for anything, including life.

So, what can we expect?  It all starts in the home with a two-parent (a man and a woman) family.  They must first teach respect.  After that it becomes a little easier to raise a child that will not as a teen become a social-economic problem and a burden on society.


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