Wednesday, March 25, 2020

JOE BIDEN - a sly fox?
This may be cynical and far off the reservation, but it occurred to me that maybe Old Joe is dumb like a fox.  Is this a possibility?  Joe doesn't want to be president.  He is the acting useful idiot to go into the Democrat convention as an unelectable candidate thus throw the convention into brokered turmoil so Michelle can charge in as the dark horse (pun intended) to bring order out of chaos and become the Democrat nominee to run against Trump.  All on the assumption that only a black woman can defeat Trump.
Am I crazy, or what?

Monday, March 23, 2020

The economy continues to crash as the Democrats and national news media gleefully cheer.  They want to “kill” Trump, bring the county to a total heap of ashes so, as they think, they will arise like the phoenix to remake the United States in their image with them in power to create a Utopia for all.
What a bunch of delusional nit-wits!