Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Jeb Bush - Presidential Candidate?

Jeb Bush has been making noises like he may toss his hat into the ring to seek the Republican nomination for the 2016 presidential election thus giving us another Bush versus Clinton race.

We don't need any more Bushes.  The Bushes are fine people, but they are too "goody two shoe."  They mean well, but "mean well" does not cut it with the Democrats.  They take a liberal hard line and don't deviate.  The only way to defeat them is to cut them to pieces with no quarter given.  That is not the nature of the Bushes.  They see goodness everywhere, even in the devil.

We Conservatives need someone that will take it to the Democrats like a mean junkyard pit bulldog.  Someone that will fight them tooth and toenail and win.  We've had Dole, McCain and Romney all moderates that want to "work" with the Democrats, and what has it gotten us. . . Obama.

If we are ever to get our country back the Democrats will have to be relegated to the ash heap of history.


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