Sunday, March 16, 2014

Restructure IMF

Obama is seeking to restructure the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to give more authority to the lesser members and lessen the authority of the United States within the IMF.  The liberal Democrat Senate has passed such legislation and it awaits passage by the House of Representatives.  This is yet another instance of Obama's agenda to weaken the power of the U.S. and make it less influential in world events.

So who should have the greatest influence within the IMF, Russia?  Or, the United States?  Or, Korea?  Or, Uganda or Indonesia which don't even show up in the top 20 donors?

Our nation is being run by nit-wits that have no respect or regard for what the United States is and what it stands for.  You may ask, "So what?  Why should I care about the IMF?"  You should care because the Obama Administration and its liberal Democrat lapdogs are on a headlong course to weaken the political and financial stature and influence of the United States on the world stage.

If you care, be careful how you vote!

CHART: Who Funds The IMF?


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