Monday, January 13, 2014

The War on Poverty is Over

The war is won.  The War on Poverty is over. We no longer have poverty except for the street people and for the most part they are there by choice.  We now have a Dependency Class.  The poverty stricken have moved from poverty to dependency.  They have wide screen TV's, automobiles, expensive sneakers,  jewelry, tattoos, subsidized housing, food stamps, Medicaid, social services, lunch programs, etc., etc.  By any measure they live like kings in the eyes of most people in the world.

So over the past 50 years we've spent about $17 trillion (the current national debt) to eradicate poverty and have created a Dependency Class with no inclination to be productively employed because all their necessities and wants in life are satisfied, so why work?

I feel the ground tremble as Washington, Madison, Jefferson, Franklin, et al turn over in their graves.  


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