Monday, June 22, 2020

It may be time to begin to learn to speak Chinese.  I’ve seen this movie before.  Different players, different locale, but same script. The rise of Nazism in Germany in the 1930’s was lead by the Brown Shirt cadre, a mob of young hoodlums sanctioned by Hitler, creating social disorder by acts of violence, tearing down historic statues, defacing monuments, burning books, setting fire to libraries, intimidating the general populace with physical violence, etc., much the same as we see today in our own country.  It was primarily the United States that invaded Germany in the 1940’s and brought peace and order, but only after Germany was virtually destroyed and begging for peace.  We occupied Germany the next 50 years.  I see us today going the way of Nazi Germany.  We will be the victim and China will be the power that virtually destroys us and will occupy us the next 50 years, or more. 
We have only a short time frame to reverse all this. President Trump has to take control and use whatever force required to put down this rebellion once and for all. President Lincoln used troops to put down the rebellion of the South.  President Eisenhower used troops to integrate the schools in Little Rock.  President Clinton used troops to destroy David Koresh and his movement at Waco.  So, there is precedence for President Trump to act, and act he must.  


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