Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Fence on the Southern Border

I'm amazed at the naivety of politicians, political pundits, and TV commentators that think it is viable to build a fence along the entire border with Mexico.  Michele Bachmann said if president she would build a fence along every inch of the border.  Bill O'Reilly, FoxNews commentator, agrees with her.
To achieve such a feat the fence would have to run from Boca Chica where the Rio Grande flows into the Gulf of Mexico to the Border State Park at the edge of the Pacific Ocean southwest of San Diego.  Miles and miles of this fence would have to be built through some of the most hostile environment you can imagine.  It would have to traverse miles of desolate desert, high mountains, deep canyons with sheer cliffs, etc. all with an abundance of rattlesnakes, tarantulas, scorpions, etc.   It would require line of sight watch towers every mile or so manned 24/7.  It would require rapid response teams 24/7 at each tower with high speed vehicles to interdict violators.  It would also require high powered search lights for night time surveillance.  And, this all would require the necessary infrastructure (roadways, power lines, maintenance facilities, etc.) to make it functional.
Then, the Border Patrol agents would probably interdict only about half of them.  They will climb it, cut it, tunnel under it and come up with devious ways we can't even imagine to cross over.  And, if you think the environmentalists raised a squawk about the Keystone Pipeline from Canada to the Texas Gulf Coast you ain't heerd nuttin' yet when Michelle babe tries to build her fence.  These people are so obsessed  with their political fairyland ideas that they are not grounded in the reality of the truth.

BO must GO


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