Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Job Application Requrements

During my adult working career I worked for two major oil companies and two aerospace companies. And, I also made application for employment at no less than a dozen other companies at various times. In each instance I was required to produce a certified birth certificate, a transcript of the college courses I took and the grades I made, a work history, and at least three recommendations from people of note such as college professors, former employers, persons of high standing in the community, etc.
Now, if I and others in the working class of such lowly position in life have to meet such lofty requirements to even be interviewed for employment much less employed by a privately owned company, then why don't our politicians seeking election to public office have to meet the same requirements? After all, they are seeking employment and we, the people, are the employer. It's time they are made not just as accountable, but must meet an even higher level of disclosure and accountability. We've had enough of obfuscation and elusive double talk. They make decisions that impact our very being every day thus we should be able to dig deep and find every nugget of origin, education, intellect, character, and history else they are disqualified to run for office.


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