Sunday, February 27, 2022

 Old Movie - Different Characters

I’ve seen this movie before. Only the characters have changed.  British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain in September 1938 declared “Peace for our time” after he returned from a meeting with Hitler.  Then only to have Germany invade Poland a year later in 1939 to regain “lost territory” and ultimately rule their neighbors to the east.  This marked the beginning of World War II. Nazi Germany occupied most of France including the coastline to Spain. Germany occupied much of Europe in July 1940 when it began large-scale attacks on Britain with their Luftwaffe air force. 
In the meantime during the 1930’s Japan was busily occupying large segments of the South Pacific including the Dutch East Indies and the Philippines. They also occupied Korea, Manchuria, and much of Eastern China including Hong Kong, Viet Nam, Laos and Thailand.
Are you beginning to see the same plot unfolding right before our very eyes?  Only this time it is Russia in Europe and China in the South Pacific.  I’m fearful the ending of the movie may be tragic.  Russia is already rattling their nuclear sword.  If this comes to a nuclear holocaust only the cockroaches and termites will survive.  Are we prepared?  Do we have the leadership to successfully navigate these troubled waters?


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