Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Renewable or Fossil Fuel Power

Biden announced on TV today the average Americans will save $8,000 to $12,000 each year in fuel costs when they transition from fossil fuel to electric vehicles.  Questions:  How much will it cost per year in additional electricity to recharge the batteries for electric vehicles?  Fossil fuels provide 84% (oil 33%, gas 24%, coal 27%) of our all our power needs. The rest is provided by hydro (6%), renewable (5%), and nuclear (4%).  Also, how many miles or years do the batteries last?  I have a 1988 Lincoln TownCar 32 years old.  It still runs on  fossil fuel (gasoline).  Will batteries last 32 years?  How much will it cost for new replacement batteries?  How do we dispose of the used batteries?  Solar panels (costly) and windmills (unreliable) is not the answer.  The solution lies in technology somewhere out there in the future.  In the meantime fossil fuels are our best most economical source for our power needs.


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