Tuesday, November 09, 2021

 Biden is not incompetent

There’s much ado in the national  media that Biden is senile, incompetent, confused, asleep at the switch, doesn’t know where he is, etc.  Wrong!  Joe is fully competent. He  knows exactly where he is and what he is doing. He played his election campaign to perfection. He was the poor little old grandfatherly man hiding in his basement from a deadly virus. Thus, out came an outpouring of the sympathy vote. Once elected he continued to play the grandfatherly role to the hilt. He often lost his train of thought. He often miss spoke. He spoke like a grandfather whispering to the children. All this performance to mask (pun intended) his real objectives to wreck our economy and cow-tow to China. He should get an Oscar for his performance. He didn’t swim with the alligators forty years and not know how to manipulate the masses.



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