Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Toenail Curling Depression

I am a child of the Great Depression.
I was born in the 1920's. Grew up in the 1930's. Went into the military in the 1940's.
I well remember the 1930's and the Great Depression. I've seen a thing or two in my lifetime. I see our government making the same mistakes today that were made in the 1930's. Things that prolonged the depression. It is insanity to think we can spend ourselves into prosperity. Einstein said insanity is doing the same thing over and expecting different results. Our message to Obama and the Democrats must be: STOP THE SPENDING! STOP THE SPENDING! STOP THE SPENDING! Hope and Change is NOT the solution!
I've thought the past ten years or so that what our country needs is a good old toenail curling depression to bring people back to basic reality. A lot of people would get hurt, but we would recover and in the process get back to our basic foundation of honesty and thrift.
The way things are going today we may soon get that toenail curling depression.


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