Sunday, May 23, 2010

Practicing Ignorance

A new phrase has entered the lexicon of American political language. Its called "practicing ignorance."
What is it you say?
Its when a politician or bureaucrat professes ignorance of a law or an issue so he can demagogue it. Case in point is when Attorney General Eric Holder was quoted numerous times on live television that the Arizona illegal immigration law would violate civil rights, result in racial profiling and all kinds of other undesirable things when in fact it does not allow any of those things. And, when Holder was asked directly if he had read the law he said he had not, because if he said he had, when in fact he probably had read it, then he would have to admit he was a liar. The same goes for Janet Napolitano, Mexican President Felipe Calderon, and even the man himself, Obama.
So, instead of practicing honesty, they practice ignorance to advance their agenda at the expense of honesty, and to cover their backsides. You know and I know they darn well did read the Arizona law. It is only sixteen pages, not some two thousand plus page monstrosity piece of legislation no one read.
Whatever happened to transparency?


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