Monday, May 10, 2010

The Tea Party

The career politicians on the national level just don't get it. The Tea Party movement is not about Democrats. Its not about Republicans. Its not about liberals. Its not about conservatives. Its all about the s....t that goes on in Washington. Its about government and its failures to respond to an entire litany of things most Americans consider sacred to the American way. Things like the Constitution, the rule of law, secure borders, fiduciary stewardship of the taxpayers money, states rights, integrity, honesty, etc. as opposed to things like political correctness, social justice, affirmative action, redistribution of wealth, community re-investment, too big to fail, ACORN, living constitution, etc.
Too many elected representatives are career politicians. They've been there so long they have come to truly believe they are entitled. Some are beginning to get a wake-up call. Just consider "poor little ole" Senator Bennett from Utah. Just this weekend he was "tossed" by the Utah Republican Convention in favor of Tea Party advocates. He was reduced to tears on television that "my three-term career was ruined". Three terms for a senator is eighteen years. That is much too long. Small wonder he considered his tenure as a senator to be a career. We don't need career politicians. We need astute leadership that puts America first above all else. This all speaks loudly for term limits. And, term limits are imposed by the vote. That is what the Tea Party movement is all about, you dunderhead politicians.


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